The Jukebox

The Jukebox
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A message from the performers: Restless souls of deceased musicians, including a keyboardist named Pepe, a saxophonist named Gianfranco, a vocalist named Flora, and an unnamed narrator who played the trumpet, wander like ghosts in old bars. They hope that someone will choose their jazz composition from a jukebox, allowing them to finally find peace and potentially entertain a new audience in Krishnaloka. While this may seem like a joke, there is some truth to it. Will these musicians ever hear their music played again? Listen to the Jukebox miniature to find out more about their story. This tale is rooted in the jazz boom in America, where jazz bands and producers emerged, only for some to be betrayed by their own producer when they had a hit song. Despite their efforts, only a fraction of their records hit the market, leaving their music unheard and unappreciated. The souls of these musicians continue to haunt the jukebox, hoping for their record to be played after almost a century.

The Jukebox
00:00 / 5:43
The Jukebox
Данимира То (Натт Харрис)
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