14. Mackintosh H. R. The Person of Jesus Christ. Edinburgh, 1923.
15. McIntyre J. The Shape of Christology. London, 1966.
16. Meyendorff J. Christ in Eastern Christian Thought. Washington, 1969.
17. Idem. Byzantine Theology: Historical Trends and Doctrinal Themes. N. Y., 1974.
18. Möller C. Le chalcédonisme et le néochalcédonisme en Orient de 451 á la fin du VI siécle // A. Grillmeier und H. Bacht (ed.) Bd. I. S. 637–720.
19. Ottley R. L. The Doctrine of the Incarnation. London, 1919.
20. Pannenberg W. Jesus God and Man. London, 1968.
21. Perrone L. La Chiesa di Palestina e le Controversie Cristologiche, 431–553. Brescia, 1980.
22. Prestige G. L. God in Patristic Thought. London, 1956.
23. Idem. Fathers and Heretics. London, 1958.
24. Relton Η. M. A Study in Christology. London, 1917.
25. Sellers R. V. The Council of Chalcedon. London, 1961.
26. Stead C. Divine Substance. Oxford, 1977.
27. Turner Η. E. W. Jesus the Christ. Oxford, 1976.
II. Работы по Леонтию Византийскому
A. Оригинальные тексты
Patrologiae Cursus Completus, Series Graeca / Accurante J. P. Migne. Paris, 1857–1868. T. 86 (= PG 86).
Daley B. Leontius of Byzantium: a Critical Edition of his Works, with Prolegomena. D. Phil. Thesis. Oxford, 1978 (= D. Phil.).
B. Исследования
1. Daley B. The Origenism of Leontius of Byzantium // JThS, 27/2, 1976 (= OLB).
2. Evans D. Leontius of Byzantium: an Origenist Christology. Washington, 1970 (= LBOC).