Английский язык с Робинзоном Крузо (в пересказе для детей) (ASCII-IPA),


I felt the ground under my feet. I struck out with all my might for the dry land.

But now the water was rushing back from the shore. I feared lest I should be carried out to sea again.

I swam, I ran. I held on to the rocks. Then another great wave came and lifted me high upon the shore.

In another moment I was safe on dry land.

I was worn out with the hard struggle, I lay down upon the green grass. I looked up at the sky and thanked God that I was alive and safe.

After I had rested a little while I arose and looked around me.

Far out from the shore I could see the ship. It was still lying where it had stuck in the sand. The waves were dashing over it.

"How was it possible for me to swim so far?" I asked myself.

Then I began to think of the men that were with me. Had any of them been saved?

I walked along the shore for a mile or more. I looked in every spot for some signs of my friends.

In one place I found a hat; in another, a cap; And in still another, two shoes that were not mates.

But of the men themselves I saw nothing. All were drowned in the deep sea.


(я нахожу странное место обитания)

IT was now late in the afternoon (был уже поздний день; afternoon — время после полудня; послеобеденное время; in the afternoon — после полудня, днем; noon — полдень). The sun was shining in the bright sky (солнце светило в ярком небе; to shine — светить). The storm was at an end (шторм закончился).

I began to look around me (я начал смотреть вокруг = осматриваться), to see what kind of place I was in (чтобы увидеть, в какого рода месте я был). "Where shall I go (куда мне пойти)?" I asked myself (спросил я себя). "What shall I do (что мне делать)?"

My clothes were still wet (моя одежда была все еще мокрой). I could dry them only by sitting in the sun (я мог высушить ее, только сидя на солнце).

I had nothing to eat or drink (у меня не было ничего есть или пить).

I had nothing about me but a knife, a pipe, and a little tobacco (при собе у меня не было ничего, кроме ножа, трубки и немного табака).

How could I live on this strange shore without shelter and without food (как мог я жить на этом чужом берегу без укрытия/крова и еды; shelter — приют, кров; пристанище, прибежище)?