Английский язык с Робинзоном Крузо (в пересказе для детей) (ASCII-IPA),


"Thank you, I have no more to give you (спасибо, я не имею = у меня нет больше дать тебе)," I said.

Whether she understood me (поняла ли она меня; to understand — понимать), I do not know (я не знаю). But, with that (но на этом: «с этим»), she turned and marched away (она повернулась и удалилась; to маршировать; идти, вышагивать /демонстративно, обиженно, нервно, решительно и т. п./; away — прочь).

I now set to work (и вот я приступил к работе) to get my second cargo on shore (чтобы доставить мой второй груз на берег). It was no easy task (это было нелегкой задачей), and I had to make many trips to and from the raft (и мне пришлось проделать много путешествий к плоту и от плота).

When everything was safely landed (когда все было успешно сгружено /на землю/; safely — в сохранности; безопасно; благополучно), I made me a little tent with the sail and some poles that I cut (я сделал навес из паруса и нескольких колышков, которые я срезал; to cut — резать).

Then I put everything into the tent that needed to be kept dry (но я положил все под навес, что требовало быть хранимым = что нужно было хранить в сухости). The empty boxes, I piled outside (пустые коробки я сложил снаружи; pile — куча, груда; to pile — складывать, сваливать в кучу). They made a kind of wall around the tent (они образовали нечто вроде стены вокруг навеса), like the wall of a fort (подобную стене крепости).

"This will keep the wild beasts out (это удержит диких зверей снаружи = это предохранит от диких зверей)," I said.

By this time the day was nearly done (к этому времени день почти закончился). I spread one of the beds on the ground (я расстелил одну из постелей на земле). I laid two loaded pistols near its head (я положил два заряженных пистолета около ее изголовья), and one of the guns by one side of it (и одно из ружей возле нее/сбоку от нее). Then I crept in (затем я заполз/залез внутрь; to creep — ползать; пробираться) and was soon fast asleep (и скоро крепко заснул: «и был вскоре крепко спящим»).

useful ["ju:sful], another [@"nVD@], grind ["graInd], barrel ["b&r(@)l], musket ["mVskIt], ball [bO:l], gather ["g&D@], clothes ["kl@uDz], hammock ["h&m@k], homeward ["h@umw@d], brought [brO:t], mind ["maInd], acquainted [@"kweIntId], second ["sek(@)nd], cargo ["kA:g@u], task [tA:sk], put [put], wall [wO:l]


THE next morning, when the tide was at its lowest I swam out to the ship again.

There were still many things on board of it that might be useful to me in my island home. I wished to save all that I could.

I climbed up the ship"s side just as I had done the day before.

Before looking for anything I made another raft, just like the first one, but smaller. It was not so easy to make, for I had used up all the best planks. It was neither so large nor so strong as the first raft.

In the carpenter"s shop I found three bags of nails and a grindstone. I found also a box full of little hatchets and a small barrel of musket balls.

In the captain"s room I found six or seven guns, which I had overlooked before, and another keg of powder.

All these things I loaded with much care upon my raft.

Then I gathered up as many clothes as I could find; also a spare sail, a hammock, and some bedding.

The raft was now quite full. The things were not heavy, but they made a large pile.

When the tide turned for the shore, I cut loose and was soon floating homeward.

I had found a good oar in the ship. This I used as a paddle, and I had no trouble in guiding the raft to the right landing place.

I looked to see if the goods were safe which I brought over the day before.