Английский язык с Робинзоном Крузо (в пересказе для детей) (ASCII-IPA),


As they were led on shore, they seemed in great distress as though begging for their lives.

When Friday saw all this, he cried out to me, "O master! the white mans do just like savage mans with their prisoners."

"Why, Friday," I said, "do you think they are going to eat them?"

"Yes, yes," he answered, "they are going to eat them."

The prisoners were led far up on the beach, and I expected every moment to see them killed.

But soon their guards seemed to change their minds. They talked together for a little while. Then they untied the prisoners" hands and let them go where they pleased.

The seamen scattered, some going this way, some that, as though they wished to see the country. But the men who had been prisoners sat down on the ground and seemed very sad and full of despair.

I thought then of the time when I had first landed on that shore — how I had no hope, and how I gave myself up for lost.

As I have said, the tide was at its highest when the men came on shore. They rambled around till it had flowed out and left their boat high and dry on the sand.

They had left two men with the boat to guard it. But the weather being very warm, these men had fallen asleep.

When one of them awoke and found the water far out from the boat, he began to hello for help. All the men came running and tried to drag the boat out to the water.

But it was so heavy they could not move it. They tugged and pulled for a long time. Then I heard one of them shout: "Let her alone, boys! She"ll float all right when the next tide comes up.

With that they gave it up and all strolled out into the country again.


(я совершаю отважное спасение)

I KNEW that the tide would not be at its highest again before night (я знал, что прилив не будет на своем самом высоком /уровне/ до ночи). So I thought that I would arm myself (поэтому я подумал, что я вооружусь), and, as soon as it was dark (и, как только станет темно), would venture out (решусь сделать вылазку) and learn more about my strange visitors if I could (и выясню больше о моих странных гостях, если смогу).

I looked at my guns and got everything ready (я осмотрел мои ружья и все подготовил), and then sat down to wait (а затем сел и стал ждать).

The day, as I have said, was very hot (день, как я уже говорил, был жарким). The three men who had been prisoners still sat under a tree by the shore (трое моряков, которые были пленниками, все еще сидели под деревом на берегу). But all the rest were in the woods (но остальная часть была в лесу; rest — остаток, остальная часть). No doubt they would rest in some shady place (без сомнения,они будут отдыхать в каком-либо тенистом месте) until the sun went down (пока не зайдет солнце).

At about two o"clock I became so uneasy (примерно в два часа я стал столь беспокойным = почувствовал такое беспокойство) that I could wait no longer (что не мог больше ждать).

"Friday," I said, "let us go out and see what we can do (давай выйдем и посмотрим, что мы можем сделать)."