Английский язык с Робинзоном Крузо (в пересказе для детей) (ASCII-IPA),


There, on one of my chests, I saw a strange animal sitting. She looked like a wild cat.

As I went toward her, she jumped down and ran a little way. Then she stood still.

I followed. She stood very firm and looked in my face. She looked as though she had a mind to get acquainted.

I pointed my gun at her, and shouted. But she did not care for that.

I had a bit of biscuit in my pocket. This I now tossed toward her. "Take this and begone," I shouted.

It rolled quite close to her nose. She smell of it and ate it. Then she looked up for more.

"Thank you, I have no more to give you," I said.

Whether she understood me, I do not know. But, with that, she turned and marched away.

I now set to work to get my second cargo on shore. It was no easy task, and I had to make many trips to and from the raft.

When everything was safely landed, I made me a little tent with the sail and some poles that I cut.

Then I put everything into the tent that needed to be kept dry. The empty boxes, I piled outside. They made a kind of wall around the tent, like the wall of a fort.

"This will keep the wild beasts out," I said.

By this time the day was nearly done. I spread one of the beds on the ground. I laid two loaded pistols near its head, and one of the guns by one side of it. Then I crept in and was soon fast asleep.


(я нахожу большой склад вещей)

THE next day I went to the ship again (на следующий день я вновь пошел к кораблю). This I kept up for more than a week (это я продолжал делать более недели: «больше, чем неделю»; to keep up — поддерживать; соблюдать, придерживаться).

Every day I brought a load of things to the shore (каждый день я привозил груз вещей на берег; to bring — приносить; привозить).

At last there was nothing left (в конце концов не было ничего оставшегося: «не было ничего оставлено»; to leave — оставлять) that one pair of hands could lift (что могла поднять пара рук). But I do believe that if the fine days had held out (я действительно верю, что, если бы хорошие дни сохранились), I would have brought away the whole ship (я бы вынес весь корабль).

You ask how I would have done that (вы спрашиваете, как я бы сделал это)? I would have cut it into pieces and brought one piece at a time (я бы разрезал его на части и приносил бы одну часть за раз).

The last thing that I found was a secret drawer in the cabin (последней вещью, которую я обнаружил, был секретный /выдвижной/ ящик в каюте; drawer — /выдвижной/ ящик /стола, комода/; to draw — тащить, тянуть). In that drawer there was some money (в ящике было какое-то количество денег).