Иисус Христос. Жизнь и учение. Книга I. Начало Евангелия


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Garrett S. R. T e Temptations of Jesus in Mark’s Gospel. Grand Rapids; Cambridge, 1998.

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Hannan M. T e Nature and Demands of the Sovereign Rule of God in the Gospel of Matthew. London; New York, 2006.

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Hengel M. T e Charismatic Leader and His Followers. Edinburgh, 1981.

Hobart W. K. T e Medical Language of St. Luke. Dublin, 1882.

Hoehner H. W. Chronological Aspects of the Life of Christ. Grand Rapids, 1978.

Incigneri B. J. T e Gospel to the Romans. T e Setting and Rhetoric of Mark’s Gospel. Leiden; Boston, 2003.

Jastrow M. Dictionary of Targumim, Talmud and Midrashic Literature. London; New York, 1903.

Jeremias J. Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus. London, 1991.

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