Иисус Христос. Жизнь и учение. Книга II. Нагорная проповедь


Stanton G. N. Matthew’s Sermon on the Mount. Tradition and Interpretation in the New Testament. Essays in Honor of E. Earle Ellis / ed. by G. F. Hawthorne with O. Betz. Grand Rapids; Tubingen, 1987. P. 181–192.

Stevenson K. W. The Lord’s Prayer. A Text in Tradition. Minneapolis, 2004.

Stock A. The Method and Message of Matthew. Collegeville, Minnesota, 1994.

Strecker G. The Sermon on the Mount. An Exegetical Commentary. Edinburgh, 1988.

Subramanian J. S. The Lord’s Prayer in the Gospel of Matthew // Resourcing New Testament Studies. Literary, Historical, and Theological Essays in Honor of David L. Dungan / ed. by A. J. McNicol, D. B. Peabody, J. S. Subramanian. New York; London, 2009. P. 107–122.

Swartley W. M. Covenant of Peace. The Missing Peace in New Testament Theology and Ethics. Grand Rapids; Cambridge, 2006.

Taft R. F. The Precommunion Rites. Rome, 2000.

Talbert Ch. H. Reading the Sermon on the Mount. Character Formation and Decision Making in Matthew 5-7. Grand Rapids, 2004. Talbert Ch. H. Matthew. Grand Rapids, 2010.

The Critical Edition of Q / ed. by J. M. Robinson, P. Hoffmann and J. P. Kloppenborg. Leuven, 2000.

The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew / ed. D. J. A. Clines. Vol. 1-8. Sheffield, 1993-2011.

Tomson P.J. «If This Be from Heaven…» Jesus and the New Testament Authors in Their Relationship to Judaism. Sheffield, 2001.

Turner D. L. Matthew. Grand Rapids, 2008.

Viviano B. T. Matthew and His World. The Gospel of the Open Jewish Christians. Studies in Biblical Theology. Fribourg, 2007. Wierzbicka A. What Did Jesus Mean? Explaining the Sermon on the Mount and the Parables in Simple and Universal Human Concepts. Oxford, 2001.

Windisch H. The Meaning of the Sermon on the Mount. Philadelphia, 1951.

Yoder J. H. He Came Preaching Peace. Scottdale, PA; Waterloo, ON, 2004.

Список сокращений

CCSL = Corpus Christianorum, series latina. Turnhout

CPG = Clavis Patrum Graecorum. Louvain

CSEL = Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum. Louvain

GCS = Griechische Christliche Schriftsteller. Berlin