Тело каждого: книга о свободе


Theweleit K. Male Fantasies. Vol. I: Women, Floods, Bodies, Histories / trans. Chris Turner, Erica Carter and Stephen Conway. Polity, 1987.

Theweleit K. Male Fantasies. Vol. II: Male Bodies: Psychoanalysing the White Terror / trans. Chris Turner, Erica Carter and Stephen Conway. Polity, 1989.

Thompson C. 28 Days in Chains / Christie Thompson, Joseph Shapiro // The Marshall Project / NPR. 2016. 26 October.

Thompson H. A. Blood in the Water: The Attica Prison Uprising of 1971 and Its Legacy. Vintage, 2016.

Tomkins C. The Materialist // The New Yorker. 2011. 5 December.

Totton N. The Water in the Glass: Body and Mind in Psychoanalysis. Rebus Press, 1998.

Turner C. Adventures in the Orgasmatron: The Invention of Sex. Fourth Estate, 2012.

Van Der Kolk B. The Body Keeps the Score. Penguin, 2014.

Viso O. Ana Mendieta: Earth Body. Hatje Cantz, 2004.

Viso O. Unseen Mendieta: The Unpublished Work of Ana Mendieta. Prestel, 2008.

Walder J. A Death in Art // New York Magazine. 1985. 16 December.

Whitehurst A. Free Party Politics: Castle Morton // DJ Mag. 2014. 28 March.

Wilson C. The Quest for Wilhelm Reich. Panther, 1982.

Winnicott D. W. Playing and Reality. Routledge, 1971.

Winnicott D. W. Babies and Their Mothers. Free Association Books, 1988.

Wolff C. Magnus Hirschfeld: A Portrait of a Pioneer in Sexology. Quartet Books, 1986.

Woodfox A. Solitary. Text Publishing Company, 2019.

Woodman D. Agnes Martin and Me. Lyon Art Books, 2016.

Wood S. Civilisation & Its Malcontents. Ma Bibliothèque, 2017.

Woollen P. Death (and Life) of the Author // London Review of Books. 1998. Vol. 20. No. 3 (5 February).