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размере 3,11 доллара: Guzman G. Video Game Advertising Playing to Win… and Sell // Nielsen. 2010. September. URL: https://www.nielsen.com/us/en/insights/article/2010/video-game-advertising-playing-to-win-and-sell/: «Our study found that that in-game advertising increased household dollars spent on Gatorade by 24 %, and offered a return on investment of $3.11».
уже цитировал: Hodapp E. “We Own You” – Confessions of an Anonymous Free to Play Producer // TouchArcade. 2015. September 16. URL: https://toucharcade.com/2015/09/16/we-own-you-confessions-of-a-free-to-play-producer/: «This is about how we can target you, because we (and our partners) know everything about you. We know where you live, we know your income level, we know your relationships, your favorite sports teams, your political preferences. We know when you go to work, and where you work. We can target an event to start for you when we know you have a long weekend coming up. We own you».
В дополнение к этой оригинальной статье сообщается: Nicolas. Freemium-Game-Insider packt aus: “Wir wissen ALLES über unsere Nutzer” // ifun.de. 2015. September 17. URL: https://www.iphone-ticker.de/freemium-game-insider-packt-aus-wir-wissen-alles-ueber-unsere-nutzer-86728/.
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флиртовать с женщинами с алыми губами: Elliot A.J. et al. Romantic red: Red enhances men’s attraction to women // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 2008. № 95 (5). P. 1150–1164.
при переключении светофора: Guéguen N. et al. When drivers see red: car color frustrators and drivers’ aggressiveness // Aggressive Behavior. 2012. № 38 (2). P. 166–169.
в оттенках серого: Hern A. Will turning your phone to greyscale really do wonders for your attention? // The Guardian. 2017. June 20. URL: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/jun/20/turning-smartphone-greyscale-attention-distraction-colour: «Eventually, I decided that losing those things weren’t worth the small boost to my attention that I gained».
стали меньше отвлекаться: Kessler D. What the grayscale challenge taught us about phone addiction. 2018. February 13. URL: https://blog.mozilla.org/internetcitizen/2018/02/13/grayscale/.
подтвердилась в ходе эмпирического исследования: Holte A.J. et al. True colors: Grayscale setting reduces screen time in college students // The Social Science Journal. 2020. P. 1–17. См. также интересное дальнейшее исследование: Holte A.J. et al. Color me calm: Grayscale phone setting reduces anxiety and problematic smartphone use // Current Psychology. 2021. № 42. P. 6778–6790. URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-021-02020-y.