Английский язык с Робинзоном Крузо (в пересказе для детей) (ASCII-IPA),


The thought of this made me almost wild. I ran this way and that, like a madman.

Then I sat down and cried like a child.

I never felt so lonely as at that moment. I never felt so helpless and lost.

Soon I saw that night was coming on.

I thought: "What if there are wild beasts in the woods? They will come out in the darkness and find me here. And then how can I save myself from them?"

A little way from the shore I saw a tree. It stood all alone, with no other trees near it.

It was thick and bushy, with long thorns on its branches.

I walked out to look at it.

To my great joy I found a spring of fresh water bubbling out from among its roots.

I knelt down and took a long drink, for I was very thirsty. Then I climbed up into the tree.

The branches grew very close together. I found a place where I could rest, half sitting and half lying, with no danger of falling.

With my pocket knife I cut a strong stick about two feet long. This would be my weapon if any beast should find me in the night.

It was now quite dark. The only sound that I could hear was that of the waves breaking against the shore.

It seemed so good to be on dry land that I forgot every danger. I was so tired that I soon fell asleep. Never have I slept more soundly.


(я посещаю разбитое судно)

WHEN I awoke (когда я проснулся; to awake — просыпаться) it was broad daylight (было совсем светло; broad — широкий; daylight — дневной свет; дневное время суток). The sun was up (солнце светило: «было наверху»). The sky was clear (небо было ясным). The air seemed soft and mild (воздух казался мягким и тихим; mild — безветренный, тихий, спокойный, ясный). A fine day was beginning (начинался прекрасный день).

It did not take me long (это не заняло у меня много времени) to come down from my lodging place (спуститься с моего места расположения; to lodge — располагаться).

I looked out toward the sea (я взглянул на море; toward — по направлению).

To my great wonder (к моему большому удивлению), I saw that the ship was now much closer to the shore (я увидел, что корабль был теперь намного ближе к берегу). The high tide had lifted her off the sand (высокий прилив приподнял его с песка). It had carried her toward the land (он отнес его к земле) and left her on a huge rock (и оставил на огромном рифе; rock — скала, утес; подводный камень, риф) less than a mile away (меньше чем в миле /о берега/).