Английский язык с Робинзоном Крузо (в пересказе для детей) (ASCII-IPA),


Of all the things on board (из всех вещей на борту), I would need food the most (мне больше всего будет необходима еда). So I filled the first chest (поэтому я наполнил первый ящик; chest — ящик; коробка, сундук; вместилище) with bread, rice, cheese, and a few pieces of meat (хлебом, рисом, сыром и несколькими кусками мяса).

I found also a small bag of grain (я также нашел маленький мешок зерна), of which I took good care (который я бережно забрал: «о котором взял хорошую заботу = хорошо позаботился»). It was barley (это был ячмень).

Then I began to look around for clothing (затем я начал искать одежду), and found enough to do for many a day (и нашел достаточно, чтобы хватило на много дней).

While I was getting these together (пока я собирал эти /вещи/) I happened to see the carpenter"s chest (мне посчастливилось увидеть плотницкий ящик). It was full of tools (он был полон инструментов).

It was hard work to get it on the raft (это была тяжелая работа — доставить его на плот). I lifted and pulled (я поднимал и тянул/тащил). I pulled and lifted; and at last I had it alongside of the other boxes (и наконец я имел его рядом с другими ящиками = мне удалось доставить его туда же, где были и другие ящики). How tired I was (каким уставшим я был = как же я устал)!

store [stO:], touch [tVtS], hungry ["hVNgrI], pocket ["pOkIt], dry ["draI], biscuit ["bIskIt], ate ["eIt, et], raft [rA:ft], together [t@"geD@], use /глаг./ ["ju:z], bread [bred], meat [mi:t], barley ["bA:lI], clothing ["kl@uDIN], carpenter ["kA:p(@)nt@], pull [pul]


THERE was a great deal of water in the ship"s hold. But the cabin and the storerooms were dry. The boxes of food had not been touched by the water.

I was very hungry, but I had no time to lose. So I filled my pockets with dry biscuits and ate them as I went about.

There were many things on the ship. They might be very useful to me if I had them on shore. But there was no boat, and how could I carry them there?

"I will make a raft." I said to myself.

There were several long pieces of timber on the deck. I tied a rope to each of these so that it would not float away. Then I dropped them, one by one, over the ship"s side.

After this I slid down my rope into the water, and tied these timbers together. They formed a framework that was strong and would not sink.

On top of this framework I laid all the boards I could find.

I now had a very good raft. It was large enough to carry a great many things. All the time I was building it I was planning how to load it.

In the cabin there were three strong boxes, such as sailors use. These I emptied. Then I carried them out and let them down upon my raft.

Of all the things on board, I would need food the most. So I filled the first chest with bread, rice, cheese, and a few pieces of meat.

I found also a small bag of grain, of which I took good care. It was barley.

Then I began to look around for clothing, and found enough to do for many a day.

While I was getting these together I happened to see the carpenter"s chest. It was full of tools.

It was hard work to get it on the raft. I lifted and pulled. I pulled and lifted; and at last I had it alongside of the other boxes. How tired I was!