Английский язык с Робинзоном Крузо (в пересказе для детей) (ASCII-IPA),


These were the governor"s orders.

It was then agreed that the captain, with all the men he could trust, should go out to the ship. I and my man Friday were to stay on shore to watch the prisoners.

The hole in the bottom of the long boat was soon mended. Four men, with the passenger as their leader, went out in this. The captain, with five men, went out in the other boat.

It was after midnight when they reached the ship.

The men on board were taken by surprise, for they thought that these were their friends who were but just then returning to the ship.

They even threw a rope to them and helped them on board, never suspecting that anything was wrong.

The whole business was managed well. The second mate and the carpenter, who were among the leaders in the plot, were soon overpowered.

The rebel captain, the worst of the crew, was asleep in his berth. He sprang up and showed fight. He shot three times at the captain"s party, wounding the mate but touching no one else.

The mate, wounded as he was, raised his musket and fired. The rebel captain fell to the deck with a bullet through his head.

The rest, seeing that they were without leaders, fell upon their knees and begged for their lives.

Thus the captain became again the master of his own ship.


(у меня новый костюм)

THE next morning I slept quite late in my hammock (я спал до позднего утра в своем гамаке), for the night had been full of toil (потому что ночь была полна тяжелого труда; toil — тяжелый труд) and I had had but little rest (и у меня был лишь небольшой отдых = мне удалось отдохнуть совсем немного).

All at once I was awakened by the sound of a gun (неожиданно я был разбужен звуком ружья).

Then I heard some one calling me (затем я услышал, как кто-то зовет меня; to call — кричать; окликать; звать), "Governor! Governor!" It was the captain"s voice (это был голос капитана).

I hurried out (я поспешил наружу).

He grasped my hand and pointed to the sea (он схватил мою руку и указал на море). There, a little way from our beach, was the ship (там, на некотором расстоянии от прибрежной полосы, был корабль).

The weather being fair (поскольку погода была хорошей), the men had brought her around (моряки привели его /поближе к берегу/; to bring around — повернуть лодку или корабль обратно) and anchored her near the mouth of the river (и поставили корабль на якорь около устья реки).

"My dear friend (мой дорогой друг)," cried the captain (воскликнул капитан), "there is your ship (вот ваш корабль)! She is all yours (он полностью ваш), for we owe our lives to you (ибо мы обязаны вам жизнью). We also are yours (мы также полностью ваши). Everything on board of her is yours (все, что на борту корабля, — ваше)."