Английский язык с Робинзоном Крузо (в пересказе для детей) (ASCII-IPA),


But under these was the greatest surprise. There I found six new shirts, six neckties, two pairs of gloves, a pair of shoes, a pair of stockings, a hat, and a very good suit of clothes.

I could now dress like a man again.

I went about it at once. It had been so long since I had worn such clothes that I was very awkward at putting them on.

But at last I came out fully dressed. Friday did not know me. I hardly knew myself.

The next day all was in readiness to sail away.

The second mate, the carpenter, and other ruffians who had been foremost in the rebellion were to be left on the island. In fact, I had put the matter to them in such a way that they requested this as a favor.

"It will be better to stay here than be taken to England to be hanged," I said to them.

I left with them a keg of powder, three muskets, and three swords.

I told them also about my goats, and how I managed them — how I milked them and made butter and cheese.

I showed them my fields of barley and rice.

I showed them, also, my castle, my cave in the woods, and my bower.

"All these are yours," I said.

"They are much more than we deserve," said the second mate; and I agreed with him.


(я привожу мой рассказ в завершению = завершаю мой рассказ)

AND SO on the 19th of December, 1687 (и таким образом, 19-го декабря 1687 года), we set sail for England (мы отправились в Англию; to set sail — отправляться в плавание). I had been on the island twenty-eight years, two months, and nineteen days (я пробыл на острове двадцать восемь лет, два месяца и девятнадцать дней).

I took on board with me the money (я взял на борт с собой деньги) that had been by me so long (которые были у меня все это время) and had been so useless (и были столь бесполезными/ненужными).

I took also my big goatskin cap and my umbrella (я взял также мою большую шапку из козьей шкуры и мой зонтик). Neither did I forget my good Poll Parrot (не забыл я и моего попугая Попку). As for my man Friday, nothing in the world could have parted him from me (что касается моего слуги Пятницы, ничто в мире не могло разлучить меня с ним). He would have gone to the ends of the earth with me (он бы пошел со мной на край земли).

The voyage was a long and hard one (путешествие было длинным и тяжелым). But on the eleventh day of June we at last reached London (но одиннадцатого июня мы наконец достигли Лондона). Once more I was in England (снова: «еще раз» я был в Англии), the land of my birth (в стране моего рождения).

I was as perfect a stranger as if I had never been there (я был столь же совершенным чужаком/чужестранцем, как если бы я никогда там не бывал). I went down to York (я отправился в Йорк; down — вниз; означает также движение от центра к периферии, из столицы в провинцию). My father and mother had been dead a long time (мои отец и мать давно уже умерли: «были мертвы уже долгое время»). The friends of my boyhood had forgotten me (друзья моего детства забыли меня; to forget — забывать).