Бэкон Ф. Новый Органон. — М.: Рипол Класик, 2018.
Ballard, L. A., S. Šabanovic, J. Kaur, and S. Milojevic. «George Charles Devol, Jr».
Ballinger, E. R. «Human Experiments in Subgravity and Prolonged Acceleration».
Battelle, G. M.
Batterman, R. W. «Falling Cats, Parallel Parking, and Polarized Light».
Beer, R. D. «Biologically Inspired Robotics».
Beer, R. D., R. D. Quinn, H. J. Chiel, and R. E. Ritzmann. «Biologically Inspired Approaches to Robotics».
Bell, C. «Second Part of the Paper on the Nerves of the Orbit».
Benton, J. R. «How a Falling Cat Turns Over».
Bergou, A. J., S. M. Swartz, H. Vejdani, D. K. Riskin, L. Reimnitz, G. Taubin, and K. S. Breuer. «Falling with Style: Bats Perform Complex Aerial Rotations by Adjusting Wing Inertia».
Berry, M. V. «The Adiabatic Phase and Pancharatnam’s Phase for Polarized Light».
Berry, M. V. «Geometric Phase Memories».
Berry, M. V. «Quantal Phase Factors Accompanying Adiabatic Changes».
Berry, M. V., and M. Wilkinson. «Diabolical Points in the Spectra of Triangles».
Biesterfeldt, H. J. «Twisting Mechanics II».
Binette, K. H. «Cat Is Unharmed after 26 Story Fall from High Rise Building».
Bingham, J. T., J. Lee, R. N. Haksar, J. Ueda, and C. K. Liu. «Orienting in Mid-Air through Configuration Changes to Achieve a Rolling Landing for Reducing Impact after a Fall». In
Blakemore, E. «Cats Are Adorable Physicists».
Bleecker, A. «Jungfrau Spaiger’s Apostrophe to Her Cat». In S. Kettell, ed.,
Bossewell, John, and Gerard Legh.