Оригиналы. Как нонконформисты двигают мир вперед


26 Drake Baer. In 1982, Steve Jobs Presented an Amazingly Accurate Theory About Where Creativity Comes From // Business Insider, February 20, 2015, www.businessinsider.com/steve-jobs-theory-of-creativity-2015-2.

27 Robert Root-Bernstein, Lindsay Allen, Leighanna Beach, Ragini Bhadula, Justin Fast, Chelsea Hosey, Benjamin Rremkow, Jacqueline Lapp, Kaitlin Lonc, Kendell Pawelec, Abigail Podufaly, Caitlin Russ, Laurie Tennant, Eric Vrtis, and Stacey Weinlander. Arts Foster Scientific Success: Avocations of Nobel, National Academy, Royal Society, and Sigma Xi Members // Journal of Psychology of Science and Technology 1 (2008): 51–63.

28 Laura Niemi and Sara Cordes. The Arts and Economic Vitality: Leisure Time Interest in Art Predicts Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Work, рукопись на рецензировании перед публикацией, 2015.

29 Dean Keith Simonton. Foresight, Insight, Oversight, and Hindsight in Scientific Discovery: How Sighted Were Galileo"s Telescopic Sightings? II Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 6 (2012): 243–254.

30 Donald W. MacKinnon. The Nature and Nurture of Creative Talent И American Psychologist 17 (1962): 484–495, and Personality and the Realization of Creative Potential 11 American Psychologist 20 (1965): 273–281.

31 Frederic C. Godart, William W. Maddux, Andrew V. Shipilov, and Adam D. Galinsky. Fashion with a Foreign Flair: Professional Experiences Abroad Facilitate the Creative Innovations of Organizations 11Academy of Management Journal 58 (2015): 195–220.

32 Steve Kemper. Reinventing the Wheel: A Story of Genius, Innovation, and Grand Ambition. New York: Harper Collins, 2005.

33 Erik Dane, Kevin W. Rockmann, and Michael G. Pratt. When Should I Trust My Gut? Linking Domain Expertise to Intuitive Decision-Making Effectiveness 11 Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 119 (2012): 187–194.

34 Daniel Kahneman and Gary Klein. Conditions for Intuitive Expertise: A Failure to Disagree 11American Psychologist 64 (2009): 515–526.

35 Pino G. Audia, Edwin A. Locke, and Ken G. Smith. The Paradox of Success: An Archival and a Laboratory Study of Strategic Persistence Following Radical Environmental Change 11 Academy of Management Journal 43 (2000): 837–853.

36 Cheryl Mitteness, Richard Sudek, andMELissA S. Car-don. Angel Investor Characteristics That Determine Whether Perceived Passion Leads to Higher Evaluations of Funding Potential // Journal of Business Venturing 27 (2012): 592–606.

37 Daniel Kahneman. Thinking, Fast and Slow. New York: Macmillan, 2011. [Рус. изд.: Даниэль Канем ah. Думай медленно, решай быстро. М.: ACT, 2016.]

38 Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg. How Google Works. New York: Grand Central, 2014.

39 Личные интервью автора с Лоном Байндером, 30 декабря 2014, и Нилом Блюменталем и Дейвом Гилбоа, г февраля 2015.

40 Adam Higginbotham. Dean Kamen"s Mission to Bring Unlimited Clean Water to the Developing World 11 Wired, August 13, 2013, www.wired.co.uk/"magazine/"archive/2013/ oS/features/engine-of-progress;Christopher Helman. Segway Inventor Dean Kamen Thinks His New Stirling Engine Will Get You off the Grid for Under $ 10K // Forbes, July 2, 2014, www.forbes.com/sites/christopher-helman/2014/oy/ 02/dean-kamen-thinks-his-new-stirling-engine-could-power-the-world; Erico Guizzo. Dean Kamens “Luke Arm” Prosthesis Receives FDA Approval // IEEE Spectrum, May 13, 2014, http: II spectrum, ieee. org/"automaton,/biomedical/bionics/ dean-kamen-luke-arm-prо sthesis-receives-fda-approval.

Глава 3. Под ударом

1 Susan J. Ashford, Nancy P. Rothbard, Sandy Kristin Piderit, and Jane E. Dutton. Out on a Limb: The Role of Context and Impression Management in Selling Gender-Equity Issues // Administrative Science Quarterly 43 (1998): 23–57.

The Ultimate Quotable Einstein, под ред. Alice Calaprice. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2011.

3 Личные интервью автора с Кармен Мединой, 14 августа 2014 и 2 марта 2015; личное интервью автора со Сьюзен Бенджамин, 3 апреля 2015; Lois Kelly and Carmen Medina. Rebels at Work: A Handbook for Leading Change from Within. New York: O’Reilly Media, 2014.

Don Burke and Sean P. Dennehy // Service to America Medals, 2009, http://servicetoamericamedals.org/honorees/view_profile. php?profile = 213; CIA Adopting Web 2.0 Tools Despite Resistance // Space War, June 12, 2009, www.spacewar.com/reports/CIA_adopting_ Web_2.o_tools_despite^resistance_ qqq.htmf Steve Vogel. For Intelligence Officers, A Wiki Way to Connect the Dots //Washington Post, August 27, 2009, www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/arti-cle/2009/08/26/AR2oo<)o826o}6°6.html Robert K. Ackerman. Intellipedia Seeks Ultimate Information Sharing // SIGNAL, October 2007, www.afcea.org/ content/?q=intellipedia-seeks-ultimate- information-sharing.