Евангелие от Иоанна. Исторический и богословский комментарий


Brown R. E. The Gospel according to John (I–XII). Introduction, Translation and Notes. New York, 1966.

Brown R. E. The Gospel according toJohn (XIII–XXI). Introduction, Translation and Notes. New York, 1970.

Buchanan G. W. The Samaritan Origin of the Gospel of John // Neusner J. (ed.). Religions in Antiquity. Essays in Memory of E. G. Goodenough. Leiden, 1968. P. 149–175.

Bultmann R. Der religionsgeshichtliche Hintergrund des Prologs zum Johanne-sevangelium // Eucharisterion fur H. Gunkel. S. 1-26.

Bultmann R. The Gospel ofJohn. A Commentary. Philadelphia, 1971.

Burge G. M. Interpreting the Gospel ofJohn. A Practical Guide. 2nd ed. Grand Rapids, 2013.

Byrne B. Life Abounding. A Reading ofJohn’s Gospel. Collegeville; Minnesota, 2014.

Calme P. Th. L’Evangile selon saint Jean. Traduction critique. Introduction et commentaire. Paris; Rome, 1904.

Campenhausen H. E. von. Zur Perikope von der Ehebrecherin (Joh. 7:53-8:11) // ZNW 68 (1977). S. 164–175.

Caragounis C. C. Царство Божье / Царство Небесное // Иисус и Евангелия. Словарь. Т. 1. С. 731.

Caragounis Ch. What did Jesus mean by την άρχήν in John 8:25? // NovT 49 (2007). P. 129–47.

Carson D. A. The Gospel according to St John. Grand Rapids, 1991.

Carter W. John and Empire. Initial Explorations. New York; London, 2008.

Casey M. Jesus of Nazareth. An Independent Historian’s Account of His Life and Teaching. New York, 2010.

Chancey M. A. Greco-Roman Culture and the Galilee ofJesus. Cambridge, 2008.

Chancey M. A. The Myth of a Gentile Galilee. Cambridge, 2004

Chapman D. W., Schnabel E. J. The Trial and Crucifixion of Jesus. Texts and Commentary. Tubingen, 2015.

Charlesworth J. H. A Critical Comparison of the Dualism in 1QS 3:13-4:26 and the ‘Dualism’ Contained in the Gospel of John // John and the Dead Sea Srcolls / Ed. by J. H. Charlesworth. New York, 1990. P. 76–106.

Charlesworth J. H. Introduction: Devotion to and Worship in Jerusalem’s Temple // Jesus and the Temple. Textual and Archaeological Explorations / Ed. by J. H. Charlesworth. Minneapolis, 2014. P. 1–18.

Charlesworth J. H. Jesus and the Temple // Jesus and the Temple. Textual and Archaeological Explorations. J. H. Charlesworth, ed. Minneapolis, 2014. P. 145–182.