Евангелие от Иоанна. Исторический и богословский комментарий


Johnson L. T. The Real Jesus. The Misguided Quest for the Historical Jesus and the Truth of the Traditional Gospels. New York, 1996.

Juster J. Les juifs dans l’empire romain. Leur condition juridique, economique et sociale. Paris, 1914. Vols. 1–2. Paris, 1914.

Kdsemann E. New Testament Questions of Today. Philadelphia, 1969.

Keener C. S. The Gospel of Matthew. A Commentary. Grand Rapids; Cambridge, 1999.

Keener C. S. The Gospel ofJohn. A Commentary. Vol. 1–2. Peabody, 2010.

Keith C. Jesus against the Scribal Elite. The Origins of the Conflict. Grand Rapids, 2014.

Kerr A. R. The Temple of Jesus’ Body. The Temple Theme in the Gospel ofJohn. Sheffield, 2002.

Kippenberg H. G. Garizim und Synagoge. Traditionsgeschichtliche Unter-suchungen zur Samaritanischen Religion der aramaischen Periode. Berlin, 1971.

Koehler L., Baumgartner W., Stamm J. J. Hebraisches und Aramaisches Lexikon zum Alten Testament. Bd. 1. Leiden, 1967; Bd. 2. Leiden, 1974; Bd. 3. Leiden, 1983; Bd. 4. Leiden, 1990.

Koester C. R. Symbolism in the Fourth Gospel: Meaning, Mystery, Community. Minneapolis, 1995.

Koester C. R. The World of Life. A Theology of John’s Gospel. Grand Rapids; Cambridge, 2008.

Kostenberger A. J. John. Grand Rapids, 2004.

Kostenberger A. J. A Theology ofJohn’s Gospel and Letters. Grand Rapids, 2009.

Kottukapalli R. “Blessed Are Those Not Seeing…”. John 20,29 in the Light ofJohn 20,30–31 and Rev. 1, 3; 22,7. Extractum ex dissertatione ad Doctoratum in Facultate Theologiae (Pontificia Universitas Urbaniana). Roma, 2010.

Kremer J. Lazarus: Die Geschichte einer Auferstehung. Stuttgart, 1985.

Kysar R. John: The Maverick Gospel. Louisville, 2007.

LaVerdiere E. The Eucharist in the New Testament and the Early Church. Collegeville; Minnesota, 1986.

Leon-Dufour X. Life and Death in the New Testament. The Teachings of Jesus and Paul. San Francisco, 1986.

Lieu J. Anti-Judaism, the Jews, and the Worlds of the Fourth Gospel // The Gospel of John and Christian Theology / Ed. R. Baucham and C. Mosser. Grand Rapids; Cambridge, 2008. P. 168–182.

Lightfoot R. H. History and Interpretation in the Gospels. London, 1935.