Евангелие от Иоанна. Исторический и богословский комментарий


Seim T. K. Roles of Women in the Gospel ofJohn // Aspects of the Johannine Literature. Papers Presented at a Conference of Scandinavian New Testament Exegetes at Uppsala, June 16–20, 1986 / Ed. by L. Hartman and B. Olsson. Uppsala, 1986.

Simoens Y. Evangile selon Jean. Paris, 2016.

Skinner C. W. John and Thomas: Gospels in Conflict? A Study in Johannine Characterization in Light of the Thomas Question. A Dissertation. Washington, 2008.

Stibbe M. W G. John’s Gospel. London; New York, 1994.

Swartley W. M. Covenant of Peace. The Missing Peace in New Testament Theology and Ethics. Grand Rapids; Cambridge, 2006.

Swete H. B. The Gospel according to St Mark. London, 1898.

Taylor V. The Person of Christ in New Testament Teaching. London; Melbourne; Toronto; New York, 1966.

Taylor W. M. Peter the Apostle. New York, 1876.

Templeton D. A. The New Testament as True Fiction. Literature, Literary Criticism, Aesthetics. London; New York, 1999.

Tenney M. C. The Old Testament and the Fourth Gospel // Bibliotheca sacra 120. 1963. P. 300–308.

Thatcher T. Greater than Ceasar. Christology and Empire in the Fourth Gospel. Minneapolis, 2009.

Theissen G. The Gospels in Context: Social and Political History in the Synoptic Tradition. Minneapolis, 1991.

Thomas J. Ch. Footwashing in John 13 and the Johannine Community. Sheffield, 1991.

Thompson M. M. The Raising of Lazarus in John 11: A Theological Reading // The Gospel of John and Christian Theology / Ed. by R. Bauckham and

C. Mosser. Grand Rapids; Cambridge, 2008.

Tilborg S. van. Reading John in Ephesus. Leiden; New York; Koln, 1996.

Timmins N. G. Variation in Style in the Johannine Literature // Journal for the Study of the New Testament, 1994 №. 16 (53). Р. 47–64.

Tolmie D. F. Jesus’ Farewell to the Disciples. John 13:1-17:26 in Narratological Perspective. Leiden; New York; Koln, 1995.

Tomson P. J. “If This Be from Heaven…”. Jesus and the New Testament Authors in Their Relationship to Judaism. Sheffield, 2001.

Trautmann N. Zeichenhafte Handlungen Jesu. Ein Beitrag zum Frage nach dem historischen Jesus. Wurzburg, 1980.