Евангелие от Матфея. Исторический и богословский комментарий. Том 2


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Bock D. L. Jesus according to Scripture. Restoring the Portrait from the Gospels. Grand Rapids, 2002.

Bockmuehl M. Simon Peter in Scripture and Memory: The New Testament Apostle in the Early Church. Baker Academic, 2012.

Bond H. K. Political Authorities. The Herods, Caiaphas, and Pontius Pilate // Jesus among Friends and Enemies. A Historical and Literary Introduction to Jesus in the Gospels / Ed. by Ch. Keith and L. W. Hurtado. Grand Rapids, 2011. P. 219–247.

Boobyer G. H. St. Mark and the Transfiguration Story. Edinburgh, 1942.

Bornkamm G. Jesus of Nazareth. New York; Evanston; London, 1960.

Borovsky I. J. Introduction // Removing the Anti-Judaism from the New Testament / Ed. by H. C. Kee and I. J. Borovsky. Philadelphia, 1998. P. 9–20.

Boucher M. I. The Parables. 2nd ed. Wilmington, Delaware, 1986.

Boys M. C. Beyond “Removing” Anti-Judaism: The Theological and Educational Task of Reframing Christian Identity // Removing the Anti-Judaism from the New Testament / Ed. by H. C. Kee and I.J. Borovsky. Philadelphia, 1998. P. 88–102.

Brake D. L., Bolen T. Jesus. A Visual History. Grand Rapids, 2014.

Brandt P.-Y. L’identite de Jesus et l’identite de son disciple. Le recit de la Transfiguration comme clef de lecture de l’Evangile de Marc. Fribourg; Gottingen, 2002.

BroerI. Der Prozefl gegen Jesus nach Matthaus // K. Kertelge (Hg.). Der Prozefl gegen Jesus. Historische Ruckfrage und theologische Deutung. Freiburg; Basel; Wien, 1988. S. 84-110.

Browley R. L. Luke-Acts and theJews: Conflict, Apology, and Conciliation. Atlanta, 1987.

Brown J. K. The Disciples in Narrative Perspective. The Portrayal and Function of the Matthaean Disciples. Leiden; Kobenhavn; Koln, 2002.

Brown R. E. The Death of the Messiah. Vols. 1–2. New York; London; Toronto; Sydney; Auckland, 1998.

Brown R. E. The Gospel according to John (I–XII). Introduction, Translation and Notes. New York, 1966.

Brown R. E. The Gospel according to John (XIII–XXI). Introduction, Translation and Notes. New York, 1970.

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Buzy D. Les dix vierges // Revue apostolique 39 (1923–1925).

Carlston C. E. The Parables of the Triple Tradition. Minneapolis, 2007.