Евангелие от Матфея. Исторический и богословский комментарий. Том 2


Kistemaker S. J. The Parables ofJesus. Grand Rapids, 1980.

Klassen WJudas: Betrayer or Friend ofJesus. Minneapolis, 2005.

Klauck H.-J. Allegorie und Allegorese in synoptischen Gleichnistexten. Munster, 1978.

Klutz T. The Exorcism Stories in Luke-Acts. A Sociostylistic Reading. Cambridge, 2004.

Koet B. J. Isaiah in Luke-Acts // Isaiah in the New Testament / Ed. by S. Moyise and M. J. J. Menken. London; New York, 2005. P. 79–100.

Lampe G. WH. The Two Swords (Luke 22:35–38) // Jesus and the Politics of His Day / Ed. by E. Bammel and C. F. D. Moule. Cambridge, 1984. P. 335–351.

Lane W. L. The Gospel ofMark. The English Text with Introduction, Exposition and Notes. Grand Rapids; Cambridge, 1974.

Leander H. Discourses of Empire. The Gospel of Mark from a Postcolonial Perspective. Atlanta, 2013.

Litfin B. Origen // Shapers of Christian Orthodoxy / Ed. B. G. Green. Downers Grove, 2010. P. 108–152.

Lipsi I. De cruce. Libri tres, ad sacram profanamque historiae utiles. Antverpiae, 1594.

Loisy A. L’Evangile selon Luc. Paris, 1924.

Loos H. van der. The Miracles ofJesus. Leiden, 1965.

Luz U. Matthew 8-20: A Commentary. Minneapolis, 2001.

Maccoby H. Revolution in Judaea. New York, 1973.

Malina B. J., Rohrbaugh R. L. Social-Science Commentary on the Synoptic Gospels. Minneapolis, 1992.

Mallen P. The Reading and Transformation of Isaiah in Luke-Acts. Londono-New York, 2008.

Manson T. W. The Teaching of Jesus: Studies of its Form and Content. Cambridge, 1967.

Markley J. R. Reassessing Peter’s Imperception in Synoptic Tradition. // Peter in Early Christianity / Ed. H. K. Bond, L. W. Hurtado. Eerdmans Publishing. 2015. P 99-108.

Marcus J. Mark 1–8. A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary. New Haven; London, 1999.

Marcus J. Mark 8-16. A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary. New Haven; London, 2009.