Деяния апостолов. Главы I-VIII. Историко-филологический комментарий


Loisy, A. Les Actes des Apôtres (Paris, 1920).

Lüdemann, G. «The Acts of the Apostles and the Beginnings of Simonian Gnosis», NTS 33 (1987), 420-426.

Macdonald, D.R. «Legends of the Apostles», Eusebius, Christianity and Iudaism, ed. H.W. Attridge, G.Hata, (Detroit, 1992), 166-179.

Macro, A.D. «The Cities of Asia Minor under the Roman Imperium», ANRWW, 7.2 (1980), 657-697.

Magie, D. Roman Rule in Asia Minor to the End of the Third Century after Christ, 1-2 (Princeton, 1950).

Maile, J.F. «The Ascention in Luke-Acts», TynB 37 (1986), 29-59.

Ma’oz, Z. «The Synagogue of Gamla and the Typology of Second-Temple Synagogues», Ancient Synagogues Revealed, ed. L.I. Levine (Jerusalem, 1981), 35-41.

Marshall, I.H. «The Significance of Pentecost», SJTh 30 (1977), 347-369.

Marshall, I.H. The Acts of the Apostles (Sheffield, 1992, New Testament Guides).

Mayor, J.B. The Epistle of St. James, The Greek Text with Introduction Notes and Comments, London (19105).

Mayser, E. Grammatik der griechischen Papyri aus der Ptolemaerzeit, I (Leipzig, 1906; I2 Berlin, 1923), II, 1 (Berlin, 1926), II, 2 (1934), II, 3 (1934); 2-е изд.: I, 2 (1938), I, 3 (1936).

McHugh, J. The Mother of Jesus in the New Testament (London, 1975).

Meek, Th.J. «The Translation of Ger in the Hexateuch and Its Bearing on the Document Hypothesis», JBL 49 (1930), 172-180.

Menoud, P. «The Western Text and the Theology of Acts», Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas, Bulletin, 2 (1951), перепечатано в: Jesus Christ and the Faith: A Collection of Studies by P.H. Menoud (Pittsburgh, 1978), 61-83.

Menoud, P.H. «La mort d’Ananias et de Saphira (Actes 5.1-11)», Aux Sources de la tradition chrevtienne: Mélanges offerts à M. Goguel (Paris, 1950), 146-154.

Menoud, P.H. «Observations on the Ascention in Luke-Acts», Jesus Christ and the Faith: A Collection of Studies (Pittsburgh, 1978), 107-120.

Menoud, P.H. «Remarques sur les textes de l’Ascension dans Luc-Actes», NT Studien für R. Bultman (1954), 148-156.

Metzger, B. «Ancient Astrological Geography and Acts 2:9-11», Apostolic History and Gospel, ed. W.W. Gasque, R.P. Martin (Exeter, 1970), 123-133.

Metzger, B. Historical and Literary Studies, Pagan, Jewish, and Christian (Leiden/Grand Rapids, 1968).

Metzger, B. The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption, and Restoration (New York/Oxford, 19921).