Эксперимент, проведенный Николасом Фитцем: Fitz N. et al. Batching smartphone notifications can improve well-being // Computers in Human Behavior. 2019. № 101. P. 84–94. Оригинальная цитата: «We find evidence that delivering notifications in three batches a day – but not in hourly batches – improved well-being outcomes such as stress, productivity, and mood. These effects were mediated by the effects of batching on reducing inattention. In contrast, never delivering notifications did not confer the same benefits, producing instead an increase in anxiety mediated by fear of missing out. Thus, batching in a few daily intervals can preserve the usefulness of being notified, while mitigating the harm of variable, unpredictable delivery of notifications». P. 91.
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для упорядочивания своего быта: History of timekeeping devices // Wikipedia. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_timekeeping_devices.
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ухудшением качества сна: Christensen M.A. et al. Direct measurements of smartphone screen-time: relationships with demographics and sleep // PloS One. 2016. № 11 (11). P. e0165331; Wang P.Y. et al. Relationship of sleep quality, smartphone dependence, and health-related behaviors in female junior college students // PloS One. 2019. № 14 (4). P. e0214769; Soni R. et al. Prevalence of smart phone addiction, sleep quality and associated behaviour problems in adolescents // International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2017. № 5 (2). P. 515–519.
услугу цифровых весов: Markowetz A. et al. App warnt vor Handy-Abhängigkeit // Universität Bonn. 2014. January 15. URL: https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/universitaet/presse-kommunikation/presseservice/archiv-pressemitteilungen/2014/009-2014.
об использовании смартфона – с другой: Andone I. et al. How age and gender affect smartphone usage // Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing: Adjunct. 2016. September. P. 9–12.
приносящий дополнительную ценность пользователям: Andone I. et al. Menthal: a framework for mobile data collection and analysis // Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing: Adjunct. 2016. September. P. 624–629.