патологизации обычных действий: Billieux J. et al. Are we overpathologizing everyday life? A tenable blueprint for behavioral addiction research // Journal of Behavioral Addictions. 2015. № 4 (3). P. 119–123.
с учетом биологических переменных: Brand M. et al. Which conditions should be considered as disorders in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) designation of “other specified disorders due to addictive behaviors”? // Journal of Behavioral Addictions. 2020. № 11 (2). P. 150–159.
с резкой критикой ее решения: Statement on WHO ICD-11 list and the inclusion of gaming // European Games Developer Federation. 2018. June 15. URL: http://www.egdf.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Industry-Statement-on-18-June-WHO-ICD-11.pdf.
в том числе и я: King D. et al. Comment on the global gaming industry’s statement on ICD-11 gaming disorder: A corporate strategy to disregard harm and deflect social responsibility? // Addiction. 2018. № 113. P. 2145–2146. Оригинальная цитата: «The industry statement does not recognize clinical and public health needs and evidence identifying the adverse impacts of problematic gaming (e.g. social isolation, displaced sleep, physical inactivity and dietary problems, decreased psychological wellbeing, academic or job interference and interpersonal conflicts)». P. 2145.
преждевременным шагом: Van Rooij A.J. et al. A weak scientific basis for gaming disorder: Let us err on the side of caution // Journal of Behavioral Addictions. 2018. № 7 (1). P. 1–9.
среди немецкоязычных фанатов видеоигр: Montag C. et al. Psychopathological symptoms and gaming motives in disordered gaming – A psychometric comparison between the WHO and APA diagnostic frameworks // Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2019. № 8 (10). P. 1691.
достигло 34,3 миллиона: Tenzer F. Anzahl der Computerspieler in Deutschland von 2013 bis 2020 // Statista. URL: https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/712928/umfrage/anzahl-der-computerspieler-in-deutschland/.
к оценкам распространенности: Процент населения, страдающий от игровой зависимости.
более пяти часов в день: Pontes H.M. et al. (under review). Exploring the interplay between screen time in the context of gaming across different patterns of engagement: A worldwide large-scale study. (Работа еще не опубликована и может претерпеть незначительные изменения после рецензирования.)
к другому исследованию моей рабочей группы: De Hesselle L.C. et al. The associations between Big Five personality traits, gaming motives, and self-reported time spent gaming // Personality and Individual Differences. 2021. № 171. P. 110483.