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Когда углекислый газ СО2 растворяется в воде, то образуется угольная кислота Н2СО3, которая в растворе распадается на бикарбонат (НСО3-) и карбонат (СО3-), а также протоны (H+):

H2O + CO2 ←→ H2CO3 ←→ H+ + HCO3— ←→ H+ + CO32-

Из-за увеличения содержания протонов рН раствора снижается (сдвигается в кислую сторону).


Пример — возбудители такого тяжелого эпидемического заболевания, как холера, гибнут в желудке под воздействием соляной кислоты.


Ли — китайская мера длины, равная 500 метрам.


Натуропатия — разновидность альтернативной медицины, которая основывается на лечении заболеваний исключительно при помощи природных средств.


В качестве дополнения к сказанному можно прочесть главу двадцать пятую книги «Мифы о нашем теле. Научный подход к примитивным вопросам», которая называется «О пользе моркови для зрения и вреде кофе для сердца».


Дословно в оригинале: «Treatment with beta carotene, vitamin A, and vitamin E may increase mortality».


Bjelakovic G. et al., «Meta-regression analyses, meta-analyses, and trial sequential analyses of the effects of supplementation with beta-carotene, vitamin A, and vitamin E singly or in different combinations on all-cause mortality: do we have evidence for lack of harm?». Public Library of Science ONE, 2013, Vol. 8, no. 9.


Из резюме к этой статье: «A complex of symptoms after ingestion of a Chinese meal was first described in 1968. MSG was suggested to trigger these symptoms, which were referred to collectively as Chinese Restaurant Syndrome. Numerous reports, most of them anecdotal, were published after the original observation. Since then, clinical studies have been performed by many groups, with varying degrees of rigor in experimental design ranging from uncontrolled open challenges to double-blind, placebo controlled (DBPC) studies. Challenges in subjects who reported adverse reactions to MSG have included relatively few subjects and have failed to show significant reactions to MSG. Results of surveys and of clinical challenges with MSG in the general population reveal no evidence of untoward effects. We recently conducted a multicenter DBPC challenge study in 130 subjects (the largest to date) to analyze the response of subjects who report symptoms from ingesting MSG. The results suggest that large doses of MSG given without food may elicit more symptoms than a placebo in individuals who believe that they react adversely to MSG. However, the frequency of the responses was low and the responses reported were inconsistent and were not reproducible. The responses were not observed when MSG was given with food».


Из резюме к этой статье: «The Chinese Restaurant Syndrome arose from an anecdote of discomfort experienced after eating Chinese cuisine. Monosodium glutamate has been implicated as the causative agent. Work over the past 17 years has consistently failed to reveal any objective sign accompanying the transient sensations that some individuals experience after the experimental ingestion of monosodium glutamate and it is questionable whether the term "Chinese Restaurant Syndrome" has any validity. When some common food materials are used in the same experimental setting, similar symptoms can be produced in a limited number of people. Double-blind testing of individuals who identify themselves as suffering the "syndrome" has failed to confirm the role of monosodium glutamate as the provocative agent».