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Глава 7. Преодолеть групповое мышление

1 Ralph Waldo Emerson. Society and Solitude: Twelve Chapters. New York: Houghton, Mifflin, 1893.

2 Mary Tripsas and Giovanni Gavetti. Capabilities, Cognition, and Inertia: Evidence from Digital Imaging 11 Strategic Management Journal 21 (2000): 1147–1161; Victor K. McElheny. Insisting on the Impossible: The Life of Edwin Land. New York: Basic Books, 1999; Milton P. Dentch. Fall of an Icon: Polaroid After Edwin H. Land: An Insider"s View of the Once Great Company. New York: River-haven Books, 2012; Christopher Bonanos. Instant: The Story of Polaroid. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Architectural Press, 2012; Peter C. Wensberg. Land"s Polaroid: A Company and the Man Who Invented It. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1987; David Sheff. Steve Jobs // Playboy, February 1985, http://longform.org/stories/playboy-interview-steve-jobs; Brian Dumaine. How Polaroid Flashed Back // Fortune, February 16,1987, http://archive._fortune.com/magazines/fortuneIfortune_archive/198// 02/16/ 68669/index.htm.

3 Charles A. O’Reilly and Jennifer A. Chatman. Culture as Social Control: Corporations, Cults, and Commitment // Research in Organizational Behavior 18 (1996): 157–200.

4 IrvingJanis. Groupthink: Psychological Studies of Policy Decisions and Fiascoes. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1973; Cass R. Sunstein. Why Societies Need Dissent. Boston: Harvard University Press, 2003.

5 Sally Riggs Fuller and Ramon J. Aldag. Organizational Tonypandy: Lessons from a Quarter Century of the Groupthink Phenomenon // Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 73 (1998): 163–184; Roderick M. Kramer. Revisiting the Bay of Pigs and Vietnam Decisions 25 Years Later: How Well Has the Groupthink Hypothesis Stood the Test of Time? 11 Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 73 (1998): 236–271; Glen Whyte. Recasting Jams"s Groupthink Model: The Key Role of Collective Efficacy in Decision Fiascoes 11 Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 73 (1998): 185–209; Clark McCauley. Group Dynamics in Jams"s Theory of Groupthink: Backward and Forward // Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 73 (1998): 142–162; Randall S. Peterson, Pamela D. Owens, Philip E. Tetlock, Elliott T. Fan, and Paul Martorana. Group Dynamics in Top Management Teams: Groupthink, Vigilance, and Alternative Models of Organizational Failure and Success // Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 73 (1998): 272–305; Philip E. Tetlock, Randall S. Peterson, Charles McGuire, Shi-jie Chang, and Peter Feld. Assessing Political Group Dynamics: A Test of the Groupthink Model // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 63 (1992): 403–425; Ramon J. Aldag and Sally Riggs Fuller. Beyond Fiasco: A Reappraisal of the Groupthink Phenomenon and a New Model of Group Decision Processes 11Psychological Bulletin 113 (1993): 533–552; Richard E. Neustadt and Ernest R. May. Thinking in Time: The Uses of History for Decision Makers. New York: Free Press, 1986; Steve W. J. Kozlowski and Daniel R. Ilgen. Enhancing the Effectiveness of Work Groups and Teams // Psychological Science in the Public Interest 7 (2006): 77-124; Anthony R. Pratkanis and Marlene E. Turner. Methods for Counteracting Groupthink Risk: A Critical Appraisal 11 International Journal of Risk and Contingency Management 2 (2013): 18–38; Francis J. Flynn andjENNiFER A. Chatman. Strong Cultures and Innovation: Oxymoron or Opportunity? // The International Handbook of Organizational Culture and Climate (2001): 263–287.

6 James N. Baron and Michael T. Hannan. Organizational Blueprints for Success in High-Tech Startups: Fes sons from the Stanford Project on Emerging Companies // California Management Review44 (2002): 8-36; Michael T. Hannan, James N. Baron, Greta Hsu, and Ozgecan Kocak. Organizational Identities and the Hazard of Change 11 Industrial and Corporate Change 15 (2006): 755–784.

7 Marshall Goldsmith. What Got You Here Wont Get You There: How Successful People Become Even More Successful. New York: Ha-chette, 2007.

8 Edgar H. Schein. Organizational Culture. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1992; Benjamin Schneider. The People Make the Place Ц Personnel Psychology 40 (1987): 437–453; Benjamin Schneider, D. Brent Smith, and Harold W. Goldstein. Attraction-Selection Attrition: Toward a Person-Environment Psychology of Organizations, in Person Environment Psychology: Models and Perspectives (2000): 61–85.

9 Jesper Sorensen. The Strength of Corporate Culture and the Reliability of Firm Performance 11Administrative Science Quarterly 47 (2002): 70–91.

10 Michael L. McDonald and James D. Westphal. Getting By with the Advice of Their Friends: CEOs" Advice Networks and Firms" Strategic Responses to Poor Performance 11 Administrative Science Quarterly 48 (2003): 1-32.

11 Charlan J. Nemeth. Differential Contributions of Majority and Minority Influence 11 Psychological Review 93 (1986): 23–32; Stefan Schulz-Hardt, Felix C. Brodbeck, Andreas Mo-jzisch, Rudolf Kerschreiter, and Dieter Frey. Group Decision Making in Hidden Profile Situations: Dissent as a Facilitator for Decision Quality // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 91 (2006): 1080–1093.

12 Личные интервью автора с Заком Видером и Марком Кирби, 24 июня 2014; личные интервью автора с Заком Видером, 12 января, 9 и 16 февраля и 16 апреля 2015; личные интервью автора с Рэем Далио, 31 июля 2014 и 12 февраля 2015; и еще множество часов дополнительных бесед, наблюдений, видеозаписей и случаев, рассказанных нынешними и бывшими сотрудниками Bridgewater с июня 2014 по январь 2015; Ray Dalio. Principleswww.bwater.com/home/culture-principles, aspx; Robert Kegan, Fisa Fahey, Andy Fleming, and Matthew Miller. Making Business Personal // Harvard Business Review, April 2014, 45–52; Kevin Roose. Pursuing Self-Interest in Harmony with the Laws of the Universe and Contributingto Evolution Is Universally Rewarded // New York Magazine, April 10, 2001, http://nymag.com/news/busi-ness/wallstreet/ray-dalio-2011-4/; Jeffrey T. Polzer and Heidi K. Gardner. Bridgewater Associates // Harvard Business School Video Case, 413–702, May 2013, www.hbs.edu/faculty/Pages/item. aspx?num=44831.

13 Jack Handey, Saturday Night Live, 1991.

14 Charlan Jeanne Nemeth. Minority Influence Theory, in Handbook of Theories in Social Psychology 2 (2012): 362–378; Charlan Nemeth, Keith Brown, and John Rogers. DeviTs Advocate Versus Authentic Dissent: Stimulating Quantity and Quality // European Journal of Social Psychology 31 (2001): 707–720; личное общение с Чарлан Немет, 15 января 2015; Roger В. Porter. Presidential Decision Making: The Economic Policy Board. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980.

15 Stefan Schulz-Hardt, Marc Jochims, and Dieter Frey. Productive Conflict in Group Decision-Making: Genuine and Contrived Dissent as Strategies to Counteract Biased Information Seeking// Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 88 (2002): 563–586.

16 Paul Saffo. Strong Opinions, Weakly Held, July 26, 2008, www.skmurphy.com/hlog/ 2010/ 08/ 16/paul-saffo-forecasting-is-strong-opinions-weakly-held/.

17 Jian Liang, Crystal I. C. Farh, and Jiing-Lih Farh. Psychological Antecedents of Promotive and Prohibitive Voice: A Two-Wave Examination // Academy of Management Journal 55 (2012): 71–92.

18 David A. Hofmann. Overcomingthe Obstacles to Cross-Functional Decision Making: Faying the Groundwork for Collaborative Problem Solving // Organizational Dynamics (2015); личные беседы с Дэвидом Хофманом и Джеффом Эдвардсом, март 2008.

19 Laszlo Воск. Work Rules! Insights from Google That Will Transform How You Live and Lead. New York: Twelve, 2015.