Оригиналы. Как нонконформисты двигают мир вперед


20 Цитируется в: Robert I. Sutton. IPs Up to You to Start a Good Fight // Harvard Business Review, August 3, 2010.

21 Личное интервью автора с Томом Джеррити, 12 июля 2011.

22 Zannie G. Voss, Daniel М. Cable, and Glenn В. Voss. Organizational Identity and Firm Performance: What Happens When Leaders Disagree About “Who We Are?” // Organization Science 17 (2006): 741-755-

23 Andrew Carton, Chad Murphy, and Jonathan Clark. A (Blurry) Vision of the Future: How Feader Rhetoric About Ultimate

Goals Influences Performance 11 Academy of Management Journal 57 (2014): 1544–1570.

24 Trish Reay, Whitney Berta, and Melanie Kazman Kohn. What’s the Evidence on Evidence- Based Management? // Academy of Management Perspectives (November 2009): 5-18.

Глава 8. Как раскачать лодку и как вернуть ей равновесие

1 Nelson Mandela. Long Walk to Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela. New York: Little, Brown, 1995.

2 Личное интервью автора с Льюисом Пью, 10 июня 2014, и личная беседа, 15 февраля 2015; Lewis Pugh .Achieving the Impossible. London: Simon & Schuster, 2010 and 21 Yaks and a Speedo: How to Achieve Your Impossible. Johannesburg and Cape Town, South Africa: Jonathan Ball Publishers, 2013; “Как я плыл к успеху”, речь на Всемирном экономическом форуме в Давосе, Швейцария, 23 января 2014.

3 Adam М. Grant. Rocking the Boat But Keeping It Steady: The Role of Emotion Regulation in Employee Voice // Academy of Management Journal 56 (2013): 1703–1723.

4 Steven Kelman, Ronald Sanders, Gayatri Pandit, and Sarah Taylor. “I Wont Back Down?” Complexity and Courage in Federal Decision Making // Harvard Kennedy School of Government RWP13-044 (2013).

5 Scott Sonenshein, Katherine A. DeCelles, and Jane E. Dutton. It’s Not Easy Being Green: The Role of Self-Evaluations in Explaining Support of Environmental Issues 11 Academy of Management Journal 57 (2014): 7-37.

6 Julie K. Norem and Nancy Cantor. Defensive Pessimism: Harnessing Anxiety as Motivation 11 Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 51 (1986): 1208–1217; Stacie M. Spencer and Julie K. Norem. Reflection and Distraction: Defensive Pessimism, Strategic Optimism, and Performance 11 Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 22 (1996): 354–365; Julie K. Norem and K. S. Shaun Illingworth. Strategy-Dependent Effects of Reflecting on Self and Tasks: Some Implications of Optimism and Defensive Pessimism // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 65 (1993): 822–835; Julie K. Norem and Edward C. Chang. The Positive Psychology of Negative Thinking // Journal of Clinical Psychology 58 (2002): 993-1001; Tim Jarvis. The Power of Negative Thinking // O, The Oprah Magazine, March 2009.

7 Kaya Burgess. Speaking in Public Is Worse Than Death for Most // Times (London), October 30, 2013, www.thetimes.co.uk/ttoscience/article ^qoSizq.ece", Karen Kangas Dwyer andMARLiNA M. Davidson. Is Public Speaking Really More Feared Than Death? // Communication Research Reports 29 (2012): 99-107; Jerry Seinfeld, www.youtube, com / watch?v=kL yfTLjFzAg.

8 Alison Wood Brooks. Get Excited: Reappraising Pre-Performance Anxiety as Excitement 11 Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 143 (2014): 1144–1158.

9 Charles S. Carver andTERi L. White. Behavioral Inhibition, Behavioral Activation, and Affective Responses to Imp ending Reward and Punishment: The BIS/ BAS Scales // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 67 (1994): 319–333.

10 Susan Cain. Why You Fear Public Speaking, and What to Do About It, accessed on September 18, 2014, at www.thepowerofintroverts, com/2011/02/ oS/public-speaking-for-introverts-and-other-micro-phone-averse-people-tip-2.

11 Jacob B. Hirsh and Michael Inzlicht. The Devil You Know: Neuroticism Predicts Neural Response to Uncertainty // Psychological Science 19 (2008): 962–967.

12 Olga Khazan. The Upside of Pessimism // Atlantic, September 12, 2014, www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2014/oy/dont-think-posi-tively/379993-

13 Личное интервью автора с Срджа Поповичем, 8 февраля 2015; Srdja Popovic. Blueprint for Revolution: How to Use Rice Pudding, Lego Men, and Other Nonviolent Techniques to Galvanize Communities, Overthrow Dictators, or Simply Change the World. New York: Spiegel & Grau, 2015; Bringing Down a Dictator, directed by Steven York, WETA, in association with York Zimerman, 2002; Peter McGraw and Joel Warner. The Humor Code: A Global Search for What Makes Things Funny. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2014; Srdja Popovic. Why Dictators Don"t Like Jokes // Foreign Policy, April 5, 2013; CANVAS library, accessed on December 26, 2014, at www.canvasopedia.org/index.php/library.