Еда для радости. Записки диетолога


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27. Prevention of Post-Harvest Food Losses, Fruits, Vegetables and Root Crops: A Training Manual (FAO Training Series). Rome (Italy): Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1989.

28. Naeve L. Store Fresh Garden Produce Properly. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. 2016 (https://www.extension.iastate.edu/smallfarms/store-fresh-garden-produce-properly).

29. Zhang B., Tieman D. M., Jiao C. et al. Chilling-induced tomato flavor loss is associated with altered volatile synthesis and transient changes in DNA methylation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2016; 113(44): 12580-12585.

Карамелины, карамелены, карамеланы!

30. Drewnowski A., Gomez-Carneros C. Bitter taste, phytonutrients, and the consumer: a review. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2000; 72(6): 1424-1435.

31. Jaggupilli A., Howard R., Upadhyaya J. D. et al. Bitter taste receptors: Novel insights into the biochemistry and pharmacology. International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology. 2016; 77: 184-196.

32. Cuenca L. The Bittersweet Truth of Sweet and Bitter Taste Receptors. Science in the News. 2013 (http://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2013/the-bittersweet-truth-of-sweet-and-bitter-taste-receptors/).

33. Pollan M. Cooked Summary and Review. Lifeclub (https://lifeclub.org/books/cooked-michael-pollan-review-summary).

34. What is the Caramelization? Science of Cooking (https://www.scienceofcooking.com/caramelization.htm).

35. Parker-Pope T. Ask Well: Does Boiling or Baking Vegetables Destroy Their Vitamins? The New York Times. 2013 (https://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/10/18/ask-well-does-boiling-or-baking-vegetables-destroy-their-vitamins/).

Глава 10. Сахар в вопросах и ответах Сладкий яд или нет?

1. Sugar: the facts. NHS. 2018 (https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/eat-well/how-does-sugar-in-our-diet-affect-our-health/).

2. Popkin B. M., Hawkes C. Sweetening of the global diet, particularly beverages: patterns, trends, and policy responses. The Lancet. Diabetes amp; endocrinology. 2016; 4(2): 174-186.

3. Ng S. W., Slining M. M., Popkin B. M. Use of caloric and noncaloric sweeteners in US consumer packaged foods, 2005-2009. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 2012; 112(11): 1828-34.e346.

4. Кирасирова А. Вместо сахара: обзор натуральных альтернатив. Vegetarian Journal (https://vegjournal.com/pitanie/poleznye-produkty/1447-vmesto-sakhara-obzor-naturalnykh-alternativ.html).

5. Gardner B., Lally P., Wardle J. Making health habitual: The psychology of ‘hab it – formation’ and general practice. British Journal of General Practice. 2012; 62(605): 664-666.

Краткая история сахара от Колумба до Наполеона

6. Smith A. F. Sugar: A Global History. Reaktion Books, 2015.

7. Ponting C. World History: A New Perspective. London: Chatto amp; Windus, 2000.