Евангелие от Матфея. Исторический и богословский комментарий. Том 1


Neumann F. The New Heart. An Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount. Princeton, 1991.

Neusner J., Chilton B. D., Levine B. A. Torah Revealed, Torah Fulfilled. Scriptural Laws in Formative Judaism and Early Christianity. New York-London, 2008.

Neyrey J. M. Honor and Shame in the Gospel of Matthew. Louisville, Kentucky, 1998.

Nolland J. The Gospel of Matthew. A Commentary on the Greek Text. Grand Rapids-Cambridge, 2005.

Novakovic L. Messiah, the Healer of the Sick: A Study of Jesus as the Son of David in the Gospel of Matthew. Tubingen, 2003.

O’Collins G. Jesus: A Portrait. New York, 2008.

Oakman D. E. The Lord’s Prayer in Social Perspective. – Authenticating the Words of Jesus. Ed. by B. Chilton and C. A. Evans. Boston-Leiden, 2002. P. 137–186.

Orton D. E. The Understanding Scribe. Matthew and the Apocalyptic Ideal. London-New York, 1989.

Paulus H. E. G. Exegetisches Handbuch uber die drei ersten Evangelien. Heidelberg, 1830–1833.

Payne-Smith R. Thesaurus Syriacus. Vols. 1–2. Oxford, 1879–1901.

Pennington J. T. Heaven and Earth in the Gospel of Matthew. Grand Rapids, 2007.

Pennington J. T. Reading the Gospels Wisely. Grand Rapids, 2012.

Perrin N. Jesus and the Language of the Kingdom. London, 1976.

Petzke G. Die Traditionen uber Apollonius von Tyana und das Neue Testament. Leiden, 1970.

Plummer A. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Gospel of Luke. Edinburgh, 1896.

Puig i Tarrech A. Jesus. A Biography. Waco, Texas, 2011.

ReisingerE. C. The Law and the Gospel. Phillipsburg, NJ, 1997.

Ridderbos H. N. Matthew. Grand Rapids, 1987.

Roh T. Die familia dei in den synoptischen Evangelien. Eine redaktions- und sozialgeschichtliche Untersuchung zu einem unchristlichen Bildfeld. Freiburg, Schweiz-Gottinhen, 2001.

Sanders E. P. Jesus and Judaism. Philadelphia, 1985.