Евангелие от Матфея. Исторический и богословский комментарий. Том 1


Sanders E. P. The Historical Figure ofJesus. London, 1993.

Sawicki M. Crossing Galilee. Architectures of Contact in the Occuiped Land of Jesus. Harrisburg, PA, 2000.

Scheide W. H. The Virgin Birth. A Proposal as to the Source of a Gospel Tradition. Princeton, 1995.

Schlatter D. A. Der Evangelist Matthaus. Seine Sprache, sein Ziel, seine Selbstandigkeit. Stuttgart, 1929.

SchnackenburgR. The Gospel of Matthew. Grand Rapids; Cambridge, 2002. Schnelle U. Theology of the New Testament. Grand Rapids, 2007.

Schrage W. The Ethics of the New Testament. Minneapolis, 1988.

Schubert K. The Sermon on the Mount and the Qumran Texts. – The Scrolls and the New Testament. Ed. by K. Stendahl. New York, 1957. P. 118–128.

Schurer R. The History of the Jewish People in the Age ofJesus Christ. Vol. II. Edinburgh, 1979.

Schulthess F. Lexicon Syropalestinum. Berlin, 1903.

Schweizer E. Matthew’s Church. – The Interpretation of Matthew. Ed. by G. Stanton. London-Philadelphia, 1983. P. 129–155.

SchweizerE. The Good News according to Matthew. Atlanta, 1975.

Scott Spenser F. What Did Jesus Do? Gospel Profiles ofJesus’ Personal Conduct. Harrisburg-London-New York, 2003.

Seifrid M. A. Righteousness Language in the Hebrew Scriptures and Early Judaism. – Justification and Variegated Nomism. Ed. by D. A. Carson, P. O’Brien, M. A. Seifrid. Vol. 1: The Complexities of Second Temple Judaism. Tubingen-Grand Rapids, 2001. P. 415–442.

Senior D. Matthew. Nashville, 1998.

SigalPh. The Halakhah ofJesus ofNazareth according to the Gospel ofMatthew. Atlanta, 2007.

Snodgrass K. R. Stories with Intent. A Comprehensive Guide to the Parables of Jesus. Grand Rapids-Cambridge, 2008.

Soares Prabhu G. M. The Formula Quotations in the Infancy Narrative of Matthew. Roma, 1976.

Sokoloff M. A Dictionary of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic of the Talmudic and Geonic Periods. Ramat Gan-Baltimore, 2002.

Sokoloff M. A Dictionary ofJewish Palestinian Aramaic of the Byzantine Period. Ramat Gan, 1990.

Stein R. H. Jesus the Messiah: A Survey of the Life of Christ. IVP Academic, 1996.