Философская теология: вариации, моменты, экспромты


Fichte (1835) – Fichte J. G. Ueber die Bedingungen eines spekulativen Theismus; in einer Beurtheilung der Vorrede Schellings zu dem Werke von Coussin: ueber franzözische und deutsche Philosophie. Elberfeld, 1835.

Fichte (1908) – Fichte J. G. Werke. Auswahl in 6 Bänden. Bd. I / Hrsg., eingel. von F. Medicus. Leipzig: Fritz Eckardt Verlag, 1908.

Fichte (1910) – Fichte J. G. Werke. Auswahl in 6 Bänden. Bd. III / Hrsg., eingel. von F. Medicus. Leipzig: Fritz Eckardt Verlag, 1910.

Hodge (1872) – Hodge С. Systematic Theology. Vol. 1. New York: Charles Schribner, 1872.

Hodge (1959) – Hodge C. The Way of Life. London: The Banner of Truth Trust, 1959 (1st 1841).

Hodge (1960) – Hodge C. Systematic Theology. Vol. 1. London: James Clarke & Co., 1960. (1st 1871).

Jayanta Bhaţţa (1934–1936) – The Nyāyamañjarī of Jayanta Bhaţţa / Ed. by Surya Narayana Sukla. Benares, 1934–1936.

Klee (1832) – Klee H. Encycklopädie der Theologie. Mainz: Bei Florian Kupferberg, 1832.

Krause (1828) – Krause K. C. F. Vorlesungen über das System der Philosophie. Göttingen: Dieterich‘sche Buchhandlung, 1828.

Kumārila (1898) – The Mîmânsâ–Śloka – Vārtika of Kumârila Bhatta with the commentary called Nyâyaratnâkara by Pârtha Sârathi Miçra / Ed. by R. Ś. Tailanga. Benares: Chowkhambâ Sanskrit Book-Depot, 1898.

Newman (1989) – Newman J. H. An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine (1st 1878). Notre Dame: Notre Dame University, 1989.

Newman (1997) – Newman J. H. Fifteenth Sermons Preached before the University of Oxford (1st 1871). Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame, 1997.

Nicholls (1723) – A Conference with a Theist Containing an Answer to All the Most Usual Objections of the Infidels against the Christian Religion. By William Nicholls. Vol. II. London, 1723.

Nicolai de Cusa (1959) – Nicolai de Cusa. De pace fidei. Cum epistula ad Ioannem de Segobia/ Ed., comm., illustr. by R. Klibansky et H. Batscour. Hamburg: Felix Meiner, 1959.

Oxenham (1865) – Oxenham H. N. The Catholic Doctrine of Atonement: an Historical Inquiry into Its Development in the Church. London: Longman etc., 1865.

Ray (1722) – The Wisdom of God Manifested in the Works of Creation. In Two Parts. By John Ray. London, 1722 (1st 1717).

Reid (2002) – Reid T. Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man / Eds. by D. Brooks, K. Haakonssen. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press and Pennsylvania State University Press, 2002. (1st 1785).

Rousseau (1835) – Rousseau J.-J. Oevres completes. Vol. 2. Paris: Furne, 1835.

Šaňkara (1934) – Brahma Sūtra Samkara Bhasyam ratnaprabhā-bhāmatī-nyāyanirnaya-tīkātrayasametam / Ed. by V. S. Bakre, R. S. Dhupa-kar. Bombay, 1934.

Schleiermacher (1830) – Schleiermacher F. Kurze Darstellung des theologischen Studiums zum Behuf einleitender Vorlesungen entworfen. Berlin, 1830.