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22. Silverall and MLTI Research and Evaluation Team, A Middle School One-to-One Laptop Program: The Maine Experience.

23. Philip and Garcia, “The Importance of Still Teaching the iGeneration: New Technologies and the Centrality of Pedagogy.”

24. Melgosa and R. Scott, “School Internet Safety: More than ‘Block It to Stop It,’ “ Journal of Adventist Education (2013).

Глава 9

1. Jane McGonigal: Gaming Can Make a Better World, Ted2010, 2010.

2. A. Lenhart et al., Teens, Video Games and Civics, Pew Internet and American Life Project (Pew Research Center, 2008).

3. Entertainment Software Association, Essential Facts About the Computer and Video Game Industry.

4. Parenting in the Age of Digital Technology: A National Survey.

5. K. Subrahmanyam and P.M. Greenfeld, “Effect of Video Game Practice on Spatial Skills in Girls and Boys,” Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 15 (1994): 13-32.

6. Y. Cheng and K.S. Mix, “Spatial Training Improves Children’s Mathematics Ability,” Cognition and Development (2013).

7. D.H. Uttal et al., “The Malleability of Spatial Skills: A Meta-Analysis of Training Studies,” Psychological Bulletin (2013).

8. A. Eichenbaum, D. Bavelier, and C.S Green, “Video Games: Play That Can Do Some Serious Good,” American Journal of Play 7 (2014): 50.

9. I. Granic, A. Lobel, and R.C.M Engeles, “The Benefits of Playing Video Games,” American Psychologist (2013).

10. M.W.G. Dye, C.S. Green, and D. Bavelier, “Increasing Speed of Processing with Action Video Games,” Current Directions in Psychological Science 18 (2009): 321-26.

11. D. Giannotti et al., “Play to Become a Surgeon: Impact of Nintendo Wii Training on Laparoscopic Skills,” PLOS One 8 (2013).

12. T. Stroback, P.A. Frensch, and T. Schubert, “Video Game Practice Optimizes Executive Control Skills in Dual-Task and Task Switching Paradigms,” Acta Psychologica 140 (2012).

13. Cheryl Olson, “What the Tech,” Rape Treatment Foundation, 2012.

14. W.D. Gunter and K. Daly, “Causal or Spurious: Using Propensity Score Matching to Detangle the Relationship Between Violent Video Games and Violent Behavior,” Computers in Human Behavior 28 (2012).

15. M. Griffiths, “The Therapeutic Use of Videogames in Childhood and Adolescence,” Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 8 (2003).

16. Entertainment Software Association, Essential Facts About the Computer and Video Game Industry.

17. Ibid.