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14. Common Sense Media, Social Media, Social Life: How Teens View Their Digital Lives.

15. JWT Intelligence, “Gen Z: Digital in Their DNA,” April 2012, http:// www.jwtintelligence.com/wpcontent/uploads/2012/04/F_INTERNAL _Gen_Z_0418122.pdf

16. FTC, “Protecting Your Child’s Privacy Online,” 2013, http://www.consumer .ftc.gov/articles/0031-protecting-your-childs-privacy-online.

17. Y.T. Uhls, E. Zgourou, and P.M. Greenfield, “21st Century Media, Fame, and Other Future Aspirations: A National Survey of 9-15 Year Olds,” Cyber- psychology.eu (2014).

18. “FiveMillionFacebookUsersAre10orYounger,”ConsumerReports,May10,2011, http://www.consumerreports.org/cro/ news/2011/ 05/five-million -facebook-users-are-10-or-younger/index.htm.

19. Lenhart et al., Teens, Social Media & Technology Overview 2015.

20. M. Madden et al., Teens, Social Media, and Privacy, Pew Internet and American Life Project (Washington, DC: Pew Research Center, 2013).

21. “Teens Online,” Education.com, February 18, 2011, http://www.education .com/reference/article/Ref_Teens_Online/.

22. Madden et al., Teens, Social Media, and Privacy.

23. H.A. Schwartz et al., “Personality, Gender, and Age in the Language of Social Media: The Open-Vocabulary Approach,” PLOS One 8 (2013).

24. B.Gallagher,”No,SnapchatIsn’tAboutSexting,SaysCo-FounderEvanSpiegel,” Techcrunch, May 12, 2012, http://techcrunch.com/2012/05/12/snapchat -not-sexting/.

25. Evan Spiegel, Keynote at AXS Partner Summit, January 25, 2014, http:// www.scribd.com/doc/202195145/2014-AXS-Partner-Summit-Keynote.

26. A. Watts, “A Teenager’s View on Social Media,” 2015, https://medium .com/backchannel/a-teenagers-view-on-social-media-1df945c09ac6.

27. Lenhart et al., Teens, Social Media & Technology Overview 2015.

28. Ibid.

29. Watts, “A Teenager’s View on Social Media.”

30. Lenhart et al., Teens, Social Media & Technology Overview 2015.

31. M. Ito et al., Hanging Out, Messing Around, and Geeking Out: Kids Living and Learning with New Media, 1st ed., John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Series on Digital Media and Learning (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2009).

32. Madden et al., Teens, Social Media, and Privacy.

33. Y.T. Uhls, “To Allow Facebook or Not to Allow Facebook, That Is the Question,” Huffington Post, April 24, 2012, http://www.huffingtonpost .com/yalda-t-uhls/facebook_b_1447506.html.