‹‹7››. Volkow ND, Wang GJ, Tomasi D, Baler RD. Obesity and addiction: neurobiological overlaps.
‹‹8››. Frank S, Linder K, Kullmann S, et al. Fat intake modulates cerebral blood flow in homeostatic and gustatory brain areas in humans.
‹‹9››. Smeets PA, de Graaf C, Stafl eu A, van Osch MJ, van der Grond J. Functional MRI of human hypothalamic responses following glucose ingestion.
‹‹10››. Burger KS, Stice E. Frequent ice cream consumption is associated with reduced striatal response to receipt of an ice cream — based milkshake.
‹‹11››. Burger KS, Stice E. Frequent ice cream consumption is associated with reduced striatal response to receipt of an ice cream — based milkshake.
‹‹12››. Albayrak Ø, Wølfle SM, Hebebrand J. Does food addiction exist? A phenomenological discussion based on the psychiatric classification of substance-related disorders and addiction.
‹‹13››. Lisle DJ, Goldhamer A.
‹‹14››. Grosshans M, Loeber S, Kiefer F. Implications from addiction research toward the understanding and treatment of obesity.
‹‹15››. Drewnowski A, Krahn DD, Demitrack MA, Nairn K, Gosnell BA. Taste responses and preferences for sweet high-fat foods: evidence for opioid involvement.
‹‹16››. Wang GJ, Volkow ND, Thanos PK, Fowler JS. Imaging of brain dopamine pathways: implications for understanding obesity.
‹‹17››. Garavan H, Pankiewicz J, Bloom A, et al. Cue-induced cocaine craving: neuroanatomical specificity for drug users and drug stimuli.
‹‹18››. Martin-Sölch C, Magyar S, Künig G, Missimer J, Schultz W, Leenders KL. Changes in brain activation associated with reward processing in smokers and nonsmokers. A positron emission tomography study.
‹‹19››. Kelly J. Heal thyself.
Приложение: добавки
‹‹1››. Farmer B, Larson BT, Fulgoni VL III, Rainville AJ, Liepa GU. A vegetarian dietary pattern as a nutrient- dense approach to weight management: an analysis of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1999–2004.
‹‹2››. Clarys P, Deliens T, Huybrechts I, et al. Comparison of nutritional quality of the vegan, vegetarian, semi-vegetarian, pesco-vegetarian and omnivorous diet.
‹‹3››. Pawlak R, Parrott SJ, Raj S, Cullum-Dugan D, Lucus D. How prevalent is vitamin B(12) deficiency among vegetarians?
‹‹4››. Mądry E, Lisowska A, Grebowiec P, Walkowiak J. The impact of vegan diet on B-12 status in healthy omnivores: five-year prospective study.
‹‹5››. Brocadello F, Levedianos G, Piccione F, Manara R, Pesenti FF. Irreversible subacute sclerotic combined degeneration of the spinal cord in a vegan subject.
‹‹6››. Kuo SC, Yeh CB, Yeh YWY, Tzeng NS. Schizophrenia-like psychotic episode precipitated by cobalamin deficiency.