Евангелие от Матфея. Исторический и богословский комментарий. Том 2


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Paulus H. E. G. Exegetisches Handbuch uber die drei ersten Evangelien. Heidelberg, 1830–1833.

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Peisker C. H. Konsekutives hina in Markus 4:12 // Zeitschrift fur die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 59 (1968). P. 126–127.

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Plummer A. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Gospel according to St. Luke. Edinburgh, 1922.

Puigi Tarrech A. Interpreting the Parables ofJesus. A Test Case: The Parable of the Lost Sheep // Gospel Images ofJesus Christ in Church Tradition and in Biblical Scholarship /Ed. By Ch. Karakolis, R.-W. Niebuhr, S. Rogalsky, Tubingen, 2012. P. 253–289.

Puig i Tarrech A. Jesus. A Biography. Waco, Texas, 2011.

Puig i Tarrech A. La parabole des dix vierges. Rome, 1983.

Puig i Tarrech A. Metaphors, First Context andJesus Tradition // Biblische Notizen 159 (2013). P. 73–120.

Puig i Tarrech A. The Parable of the Tenants in the Vineyard // Biblische Notizen 158 (2013). P. 85–112.

Pulman P. The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ. Edinburgh, 2010.

Ramsay W M. The Denials of Peter // The Expository Times 28/6 (March, 1917). P. 276–281.

Reardom P. H. Christ in the Psalms. Ben Lomond, CA, 2000.

Reinhartz A. Caiaphas the High Priest. Minneapolis, 2013.

Riesenfeld H. Jesus transfigure: L’arriere-plan du recit evangelique de la transfiguration de Notre-Seigneur. Copenhagen, 1947.

Rinaldi P. Un documento probante sulla localizzazione in Atene della Santa Sindone dopo il sacheggio de Constantinopoli // Coppini L., Cavazzuti F. La Sindone, szienza e fede. Bologna, 1983. P. 109–113.