Евангелие от Матфея. Исторический и богословский комментарий. Том 2


Stein R. H. An Introduction to the Parables ofJesus. Philadelphia, 1982.

Stein R. H. Jesus the Messiah: A Survey of the Life of Christ. IVP Academic, 1996.

Stern F. A Rabbi Looks at Jesus’ Parables. Lanham, 2006.

Storkey A. Jesus and Politics: Confronting the Powers. Baker Academic, 2005.

Swete H. B. The Gospel according to St Mark. London, 1898.

Talbert Ch. H. Matthew. Grand Rapids, 2010.

Taylor V. The Gospel according to St. Mark. London, 1952.

Taylor V The Passion Narrative of St Luke. A Critical and Historical Investigation. Cambridge, 1972.

Testament spirituel de Christian de Cherge // http://www.moines-tibhirine. org/les-7-freres/le-testament.html.

Taylor V. The Text of the New Testament: A Short Introduction. St. Martin"s Press, 1961.

Theissen G. The Gospels in Context. Social and Political History in the Synoptic Tradition. London; New York, 1992.

Tilborg S. van. The Jewish Leaders in Matthew. Leiden, 1972.

Tomson P. J. “If This Be from Heaven…”. Jesus and the New Testament Authors in Their Relationship to Judaism. Sheffield, 2001.

Turner D. L. Matthew. Grand Rapids, 2008.

Turner N. Grammatical Insights into the New Testament. London; New York, 2004.

Vermes G. Jesus. Nativity – Passion – Resurrection. London, 2008.

Vermes G. The Authentic Gospel ofJesus. Oxford, 2003.

Watson D.F. First Peter // Watson D.E., Callan T. First and Second Peter. Grand Rapinds, 2012. P. 1–127

Western W. The Enigma of the Two Swords. Expository Times 50 (1939). P. 377; Expository Times 52 (1941). P. 357.

White K. D. The Parable of the Sower //Journal of Theological Studies 15, 1964. P. 300–307.