Евангелие от Матфея. Исторический и богословский комментарий. Том 2


Rowe R. D. God’s Kingdom and God’s Don. The Background to Mark’s Christology from Concepts of Kingship to the Psalms. Leiden; Boston; Koln, 2002.

Saldarini A. J. Matthew’s Christian-Jewish Community. Chicago; London, 1994.

Samuelsson G. Crucifixion in Antiquity. Tubingen, 2011.

Sanders E. P. Jesus and Judaism. London, 1985 (русский перевод: Сандерс Э. П. Иисус и иудаизм. М., 2012).

Sanday W A New Work on the Parables. – Sanday W. Essays in Biblical Criticism and Exegesis. Sheffield, 2001. P. 137–154.

Savio P. Ricerche storiche sulla Santa Sindone. Turin 1957.

Schneider G. Das Evangelium nach Lukas. Guttersloh; Wurzburg, 1977.

Schoon S. Escape Routes as Dead Ends: On Hatred towards Jews iand the New Testament, especially the Gospel ofJohn // Anti-Judaism and the Fourth Gospel. Papers of the Leuven Colloquium, 2000 / Ed. by R. Bieringer, D. Pollefeyt, F. Vandecasteele-Vanneuville. Assen, 2001. P. 144–158.

Schottroff L. The Parables ofJesus. Minneapolis, 2006.

Schurmann H. Das Lukasevangelium. Ester Teil. Kommentar zu Kap. 1, 1–9,40. Freiburg, 1969.

Schweitzer A. Geschichte der Leben-Jesu Forschung. 5. Aufl. Tubingen, 1933.

Schweizer E. The Good News according to Matthew. Atlanta, 1975.

Scott B. B. Hear Then the Parable. Minneapolis, 1989.

Senior D. Matthew. Nashville, 1998.

Setzer C. Resurrection of the Body in Early Judaism and Early Christianity. Doctrine, Community, and Self-Definition. Boston; Leiden, 2004.

Smith B. T. D. The Parables of the Synoptic Gospels: A Critical Study. Cambridge, 1937.

Smith Ch. W. F. The Jesus of the Parables. Philadelphia, 1948.

Smith R. H. Matthew. Minneapolis, 1989.

Snodgrass K. Stories with Intent. A Comprehensive Guide to the Parables of Jesus. Grand Rapids, 2008.

Snodgrass K. The Parable of the Wicked Tenants. Tubingen, 1983.