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35. L. Sakari et al., “Adolescents’ Electronic Media Use at Night, Sleep Disturbance, and Depressive Symptoms in the Smartphone Age,” Journal of Youth and Adolescence 44 (2014).

36. R.S. Weisskirch, “Parenting by Cell Phone: Parental Monitoring of Adolescents and Family Relations,” Journal of Youth Adolescence 38 (2009).

37. “Intrusive Monitoring of Internet Use by Parents Actually Leads Adolescents to Increase Their Risky Online Behavior,” Science Daily, January 21, 2015, http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/01/150121093507.htm.

38. M. Dworak and A. Wiater, “Media, Sleep and Memory in Children and Adolescents,” Sleep Disorders & Therapy 2 (2013).

39. National Sleep Foundation, 2014 Sleep in America Poll: Sleep in the Modern Family, Summary of Findings, 2014.

40. Drowsy Driving.org, “Facts and Stats,” National Sleep Foundation, 2015.

41. National Sleep Foundation, 2014 Sleep in America Poll.

42. M. Hysing et al., “Sleep and Use of Electronic Devices in Adolescence: Results from a Large Population Based Study,” BMJ Open 5 (2015).

43. Dworak and Wiater, “Media, Sleep and Memory in Children and Adolescents.”

44. Sakari et al., “Adolescents’ Electronic Media Use at Night, Sleep Disturbance, and Depressive Symptoms in the Smartphone Age.”

45. National Sleep Foundation, 2014 Sleep in America Poll.

Глава 4

1. G.S. Small et al., “Your Brain on Google: Patterns of Cerebral Activation During Internet Searching,” The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 17 (2009): 116-26.

2. K.L. Mills, “Effects of Internet Use on the Adolescent Brain: Despite Popular Claims, Experimental Evidence Remains Scarce,” Trends in Cognitive Sciences 18 (August 2014).

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8. M. Iacoboni, “Imitation, Empathy and Mirror Neurons,” Annual Review of Psychology, 2009.

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