к следующему шагу на этом пути: Munn L. Angry by design: toxic communication and technical architectures // Humanities and Social Sciences Communications. 2020. № 7 (1). P. 7–8: «…there is a slow progression, allowing users to acclimate to these views before smoothly progressing onto the next step into their journey».
Террористическая организация, запрещена в России.
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в 1500 читателей: Vosoughi S. et al. The spread of true and false news online // Science. 2018. № 359 (6380). P. 1146–1151. Оригинальная цитата: «When information is novel, it is not only surprising, but also more valuable, both from an information theoretic perspective [in that it provides the greatest aid to decision-making] and from a social perspective [in that it conveys social status on one that is “in the know” or has access to unique “inside” information]». P. 1149.
под материалы СМИ: Egelhofer J.L. et al. Fake news as a two-dimensional phenomenon: a framework and research agenda // Annals of the International Communication Association. 2019. № 43 (2). P. 97–116.
со спорным политическим посылом: Однако это, по-видимому, зависит и от политической ориентации источника новостей, см. Edelson L. Et al. Far-right news sources on Facebook more engaging // Medium. 2021. March 3. URL: https://medium.com/cybersecurity-for-democracy/far-right-news-sources-on-facebook-more-engaging-e04a01efae90.
гнев и возмущение: Chuai Y. et al. Anger makes fake news viral online // arXiv preprint arXiv: 2004.10399. 2020.
интересующиеся политикой пользователи: Grinberg N. et al. Fake news on Twitter during the 2016 US presidential election // Science. 2019. № 363 (6425). P. 374–378.
по этой теме: Sindermann C. et al. A short review on susceptibility to falling for fake political news // Current Opinion in Psychology. 2020. № 36. P. 44–48.