Simple Truths of Life


Those objects were round with a central deepening. Troughs went to the edge of the object from the outer edge of that deepening. It was evident that the height of the resulting “ridges” decreased from the edge of the central deepening to the edge of the object. I called those objects “gears” because they reminded me of spur bevel gears.

These gears were not the only objects that in their appearance showed that they could not be “simple rocks”, as someone might say. The shapes that the objects in the above image have could not have been geologically created.

The presence of all these interesting things on the surface of Mars was not a big surprise for me, since I already knew from Thiaoouba Prophecy that there was life on Mars about 1,350 000 Earth years ago – before Mars cooled down internally.

I made a video for YouTube where I showed all these objects along with the others that I found. I do not know if the fact that I mixed all the other poorly distinguishable objects with gears in one video somehow influenced not the best ratings and comments like “these are all just rocks”. There were also those who shared my opinions. I think that because of strong criticism and attacks, I did not go to YouTube for a long time, and when I dared to do it, I saw that the video gained several thousand views, and a woman from a ufological organization wrote me a message many weeks ago asking my permission to show my video at one of the conferences in the USA. Time was gone… She also expressed her uncertainty about the music that I added to the video so that people would not be bored to watch it. Time passed and I received a notification that the video was not available for viewing in almost all countries of the world due to the presence of music in my video, for which I did not have copyright. I used the function to replace music with the one that was proposed by YouTube’s, and was free to use. Once again, people all over the world could watch the video, but after many months that “free music” suddenly became blocked along with the video. This time I could neither replace the audio, nor download my video to edit it and reupload. I had to remove it. I thought to make that video again, without making my old mistakes, but I was constantly busy with something else…

But that video with the new music was still preserved on my VK page, where I added it on April 1, 2010. It is available at this link: It is worth saying that having lived more than ten years since then, I would do and write some things somewhat differently now.

After finding those gears, I notified one of the researchers of the Martian “anomalies” regarding my discovery. I often read his website, not always agreeing with his conclusions, but it seemed to me that he would definitely decide to publish photos of gears which obviously have the same shape and are located in different places on Mars. I was wrong. He said the finding was not bad, but did not publish it. This was unexpected, since he has articles where he says that giant plants are visible in photographs of Mars from space, spreading their branches in different directions. He made that conclusion based on low-resolution photographs, where one pixel is hundreds of meters. While browsing Google Earth, I saw similar photographs over the African desert, and when I zoomed in on the map, a high-resolution photo showed me one of the types of sand dunes – star dunes. Of course, in those pictures of Mars were captured similar star dunes, not plants. In fact, as I was self-educating in general sciences, it soon became clear that this was not the only mistake of that researcher. The huge amount of material that he gives out as possible giant forests and plants are simply photographs of various types of dunes and other geological formations. Why is he doing this? Does he really believe what he is talking about? Perhaps the fact that he decided to write a book with all his “findings” and started selling it will help you answer these questions.

There was another interesting thing that I saw on Martian images. It was a satellite image of a Martian slope. In that image, I saw what I very often saw in my village after the rain – namely, a long channel, made on a sandy road by water that flowed down from the side of the road and at the very end formed something like a round crater whose diameter was larger than the width of the channel created by water. The whole view vaguely resembles a tadpole with a very long tail. I realized then that liquid was flowing down those Martial slopes. After many years NASA scientists said in the news that they discovered the presence of water on Mars, showing slopes on which canals were visible, which were not seen in other earlier photographs of the same area.

Further, I know that according to official figures, the so-called “Face on Mars” is an ordinary hill. But not everyone trusts those newer photos from NASA. I think that it is worth to mention a video in which a researcher worked with the symmetry of the Martian “face”, and I immediately recognized in it the face and hairstyle of a Thiaooubian so familiar to me. Thao said that when there was still life on Mars, before the cooling down of the planet, people living there were spiritual – if the “face” is really a face, then I understand why…

Continuing the theme of photographs of the solar system’s planets, I want to add about our perception of reality. This happened when I was doing the colored circle exercises, activating different hemispheres of my brain. One day I noticed that I could see domes on satellite images of the lunar surface, and on the surface of Mars I could clearly distinguish something like oval cavities with a protrusion in the middle. Soon I realized that the “domes” were actually craters, and the “cavities” were barchans. The fact is that depending on which hemisphere of the brain was active, one and the same thing was perceived completely differently in my mind – it was inverted! This case shows that sometimes some things are not what they may so clearly seem to us. This also applies to our perception of some people…

Meanwhile, the pigeon continued to visit me in Moscow, and he was no longer alone, as he had found himself a girlfriend. Together they flew to my windowsill for a morning breakfast, often consisting of crushed bread, rice, millet, or barley. Their life was excellent, and after the meal they often made pigeon love right on the windowsill. The pigeon himself was very lively and courageous, despite his bent leg, on which he walked like on a crutch. He always drove away from “his” windowsill all the other pigeons that encroached on his food and windowsill, and maybe even on his female. But the moment came when his girlfriend got sick with what I identified as trichomoniasis. Attempts to mix the medicine for her in drinking water failed, and she soon died.

I perfectly remembered that after death, people reincarnated in new bodies. But what about animals? Animals only consist of three bodies, and not nine like humans. It is logical that two of those bodies must be physical and physiological. But what is the third body? Could it be the Astral body, or maybe the fluidic one? The fluidic body contains Chakras, and in the case of people it plays a very important role in sex, when we can have it every day and get benefits for our fluidic, physiological and physical bodies – provided, of course, that there is love and spiritual affinity between those two people of different sexes. Animals on the other hand want to have sex only for breeding, and they are not motivated by anything else. Therefore, I tend to believe that the fluidic body is not part of animals. But what about the Astral? In the case of humans, it retains all the spiritual knowledge acquired during our lives in different physical bodies. Animals do not seem to be learning anything spiritual during their lives. A predator will remain a predator until the end of its life, just as a herbivore will not begin to hunt its peers. At least that is how it looks like.

As far as I understand, there are no predatory animals at all on Thiaoouba, the planet of the last ninth category. This is logical, since the people born there have learned spiritually everything that they could learn in this Universe, and so they no longer need to suffer in any way from their environment. By the way, it is precisely because of the accumulation of complete knowledge that the responsibility of the inhabitants of the ninth planets are to assist, guide, and sometimes punish the inhabitants of the planets under their guardianship. And as for the planets of the first category, or “Planets of Sorrows”, such as the Earth, people live on them to learn how to “live, suffer and die”,9 and also to develop spiritually as much as they can. The latter, as I understand it, applies to all categories of planets.

So, with thoughts about whether the animals also have a piece of the Superior Intelligence in them and whether they go through their own process of evolution of the soul, I went to bed. It was the night of January 28, 2011. I know this since I first started a diary of spiritual experience after what happened when I woke up in the morning of that day.

It was an unusual dream about birds. I tried to remember the details and write them down, but my record is full of question marks. One part was about the knowledge that was imprinted in animals, so that later they could remember them in life. Further in the dream appeared an etheric force field and something about communication. Then the scene of the dream moved to a circular stone tower. Michel Desmarquet and some other dark man were there. They were in a boat. Two plants grew in the water, and one was broken by Michel who was very upset about that plant resembling pineapple leaves. Then the dark man began to play with Michel"s knee (or something like that) and…

I woke up. In front of my closed eyes, I saw Thao"s face. Her eyes were emanating waves that seemed to be spreading towards me – as if someone had simultaneously thrown two identical stones into a quiet lake at a short distance from each other. I asked in my mind in English: “Thao, are you here?”

On that night, the bank"s air conditioners were turned on, but they did not make too much noise. Then I fell asleep and had other dreams, after which I woke up and again saw Thao"s face in front of my closed eyes. I do not remember what those dreams were about. When I woke up, I decided to create a text file where I began to record and save all the spiritual experience that I had in this life.

In May of that year, I started working as a freelancer. My self-taught programming allowed me to complete several Flash projects. A month after my freelance work, I received my first payment to the bank card. Then I could hardly go outside, but still I reached the bank below. To do this, I had to go around my house, which in those days was a real challenge for me, given my physical and psychological condition.

Then I often thought about getting money, and one night I had a dream where children asked whether it was normal to constantly want to get paid. I thought about it and I tried to pay more attention to what I could learn from my work as a programmer, instead of worrying about whether the client would pay me or not. As for the money, after I was deceived and not paid $50 after my second project, I asked next clients to set up a 75% “milestone” of the agreed cost of the project. I sent files only after I saw real money in escrow – by and large this was a strong recommendation of the website itself, on which I received my contracts. Therefore, I was protected financially. As for the remaining 25%, I never asked people to send them, but absolutely all clients paid the rest of the money. I am glad that most of the people I worked with were honest.

After some time, I began to learn PHP, CSS, HTML5, and JavaScript. I realized that I like HTML5 more than Flash, which I said goodbye to.

Unable to go outside, I spent time at the computer. At one time, I became interested in Apple products and probably looked at all the Keynotes hosted by the charismatic Steve Jobs. I wanted to have a laptop from his company, but when my freelancer salary allowed me to buy a modern laptop from Amazon, I just could not pay more than a thousand dollars for a laptop, the components of which were several years worse than what I ultimately bought. It was a refurbished laptop from MSI for a little less than a thousand and a half dollars. It was only slightly inferior to the best laptops of the time.